Lightforged Undead and Void Orcs/Humans Megathread

On Wowhead the new allied race, called the Lightforged Undead, have been revealed!

"While no new Allied Races are planned for 8.2, we’ve seen data appear for Allied Races months before they’re implemented in-game, so perhaps this Lightbound Undead Allied Race is scheduled for 8.3. With Calia Menethil returning as a light-touched Undead in Before the Storm , and Derek Proudmoore reuniting with Jaina in 8.1.5, complete with a new model, many players speculated a new type of Undead race was on the way. Perhaps this race, raised with the Light, would stand with Calia and the Alliance instead of Sylvanas.

Now with these datamined customization options, all up in our Dressing Room, as well as the achievement Allied Races: Lightbound Undead, this race is looking pretty likely."

Also these ugly purple orcs are gonna be released, which isn’t quite as appealing. But they are there. They also have purple humans, so I guess it’s a bit better. But they aren’t as cool as the LFU

So this thread is a discussion about the LFU and how awesome they are.



I sincerely think this is a WoWhead April Fools joke :slight_smile: I truly do! LOL


If it’s just a joke now, but actually happens eventually, was this ever really a joke? :scream:

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Is it wrong to want those purple skins and pepe goggles?

I just really love the color purple.

Hey if it’s not a joke - awesome! But it IS April 1st! LOL


I’m sure you know this is a joke but for the people in this thread that don’t know this is a joke…

…this is a joke.

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While I want a light based undead Allied Race, the April Fools ones on WoWhead are just Forsaken w elbows, knees and splotches of yellow.

Its a April fool joke

every other race running around with void touched skin

void elves having an existential life crisis

I know it’s a joke, but high mountain are just tauren with antlers.

Do not under estimate how little effort can go into allied races.


What if it is a case of Lucifuge giving everyone the voids?

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You mean like this 2006 April Fools joke? Not so funny a joke, now that they put it in game.


Exactly! Plus Wowhead said it was likely they would be added :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sorry but that sounds pretty absurd , almost like a troll Paladin

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Happy april fools day

I know. It’s super weird and shouldn’t exist!

Looks at Zandalari…

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Get back to working on Chronicles part 20!!!

But that would mean I have to think ):