Lightforged Draenei Shaman

So I normally do not like the space goats but I really want to see what the totems for a Lightforged Draenei look like. Also the orbital nuke seems like a interesting interaction with shamans

Pylons from Starcraft

They’re too in tune with the light to be shaman.

They are so in tune with the light that they can be warlocks, rogues mages, monks and dk? They shouldn’t be able to be any of those classes if they are too in tune with the light to be Shamans. I mean WARLOCKS when we first find Light Forged they are fighting demons. Right that throws the too in tune with the light argument out the window

And honestly I was hoping we would get the Light Forged Draenei as horde and not alliance.

Fair, I forgot they could be warlocks now. Then we just have to stick with the lore that they were not present in Outland / Draenor when the Draenei were taught shamanism. Maybe one day they’ll get the call.

Yea I was hoping horde would have gotten the Light Forged and that slowly each faction would have gotten a race from the other. Some how alliance would get orcs and horde humans and so on and so forth.

I still have hope that we get Light Forged Orcs. As when we unlock the Mag’har Orcs they said some of the orcs had joined the Draenei. Which allows for Blizzard to make a version of Light Forged Orc. Also in that same quest some of the Saberon go through the portal as well. So that also would allow for them to unlock Saberon’s as a playable race.