Lightforged Draenei DK or Paladin or...?

I’ve decided to spend time unlocking 3 races I’ve never done. Lightforged Draenai have interested me the most. I’ve always like the Draenei story, but am not clear on lightforged so will have some fun with learning.

Though I do have to go back to Argus :frowning_woman: to finish up a couple things. … nice place to visit, but…blahnik blah…

Any basics people would like to share? History, race, likes, and most especially: What class?

I’ve been a BM hunter on 3 toons so no. Because of being infused with holy light I was thinking Paladin. I’ve tried a DK twice unsuccessfully, but that also happened with a Rogue & third time was truly the charm. DK challenge? Or curious about being a Paladin. Priest??? Meh?

I don’t know much about Paladins or lightforged so it’s something interesting to focus on for awhile. (and remember to lock at level 47-48!)

Not looking to tank anything, just decent rotation, no bloat on abilities, but challenging, and can handle itself solo in open world?

Other two races I haven’t unlocked are Kul Tirans and Mechgnomes. A Kul Tiran Monk sounds cool.

Well both can do what your needing but only the Paladin has the damage bubbles and heals. I myself didn’t do a Paladin because I don’t like the fact that they have no kind of range aside from stun but also I like the story of the death knight

Lightforged and paladin go together like lamb and tuna fish.

I never did understand it through playing game only. After two frustrating tries of getting through starting area I figured I just wasnt good enough. But, hey - I managed to manage cd’s on rogues and have a helluva good time.

Do you feel like elaborating on dk? Yeah, I’m going to go read it all, but first hand player description is better.

Do the paladin! They are getting a new mount in 9.1.5 specifically for Lightforged Paladins it is a talbuk mount


Technically, they way I make magic happen in the kitchen I could make that work, especially if tuna was sushi quality. :wink:

You’re a Draenei Paladin - if it’s your main? Why the difference?

I love my Draenei warrior passionately, as well as the race. When it comes down to it they are probably my favorite.

What, specifically, did you have problems with?

I am not the greatest player and love that starting zone. Ran it probably five or six times a couple of months ago while trying to create the best death knight character for me. Now I have one on the Alliance and one on the Horde.

The original races were raised from the dead to be killers and in the starting zone you go thru and kill innocent people all for the lich king Arthas. When you go to the church to kill the champion the light makes it so your lose plus you learn Arthas sent you to die. So your leader Darian goes against Arthas and helps push back Arthas and you join the fight against Arthas.

However the allied races have a different story they are raise by the new lich king Bolvar and it was not against your will like the original Dk were so the new allied Dk’s don’t have the stain of murdering innocent people. And were champions and adventures that died and given a second chance.

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It’s embarrassing. I preface with I enjoyed the first abilities, and I’ve heard they’ve changed starting zone since I tried it - and to be fair I was still a newbie baby when it came to mmorpg’s…heck,!, I couldn’t get past riding that horse thing…been awhile so don’t remember name.

Also decking out a female, lightforged drano in DJ or Paladin mogs…will need to run dungeons nobody’s playing anymore.

My suggestion would be a LF Paladin. Paladin would be the most iconic class for them. As it was mentioned earlier they’re getting a new mount.

I’ve mained a Paladin since 2008 and have found them fairly reliable for the most part.

I’ll also be race changing my Alliance Paladin to a LFD once the patch drops :hugs:


Personally, for Light-forged I would go with a paladin simply because it themewise it fits because you will be a Light-forged fighter using light magic. If you go with Death Knight, you will be a Light-forged fighter using death magic. Personally, I have both a regular draenei paladin and a regular draenei death knight and find it a lot easier to get into the head space of my draenei paladin, if you are into that sort of things.

However, I would also create a Death Knight with a different race because the starting zone story alone is worth it for experiencing their background and because the final confrontation at Light’s Hope Chapel is an important piece of Arthus/Tirion/Ashbringer story which finalizes in ICC. If you have any problems figuring out various weird mechanics, I found Wowhead very helpful, my first run thru.

From a lore perspective it’s paladin as any lightforged would probably explode or become incredibly insane by being raised into undeath.

From a gameplay perspective personal tastes differ but if you want the more efficient class then it’s also paladin sadly as far as this expansion goes.

I did a Paladin when I leveled one for the heritage armor.

If you’re doing it for lore you don’t get any from leveling, all of it came from the unlocking of the allied race.

Well, started the lightforged Draenai and remembered I didn’t like the aesthetics and the lore that much. Went on to try DK for the third time.

I made her a human and at first was having the same discouraged feeling. I tried rogue three times before I really pushed her past level 20 and really liked her. So I’m going to push on. I have to play more than a few hours to get the feeling, but so far frost isn’t too bad.

My draenei warrior is my fave for a draenei, and my dwarf for a shaman. One of these days I’ll stick with a druid and race.