So we saw back in Legion in the “rejection of the gift” cinematic that Xe’ra tried to “convert” Illidan. His tattoos began to change from the fel green to a yellow light look before he broke the bonds. Since we do have Lightforged Draenei, we know that there is a ritual that they undergo to become one, and the light is familiar with Illidan’s story, is it possible that we could see a lightforged Draenei demon hunter? Since time flows differently in the twisting nether and Xe’ra knew of Illidan’s story, it would seem that she could have made her own version of demon hunters using the ritual of the light that the draenei undergo.
No one expects the Light’s Inquisition!
Anyways, this would be a fantastic take on the class.
I’ve always found Illidan to be quite the boring character along with all the Illidari edge. This would be so refreshing as the current iterations to existing classes are.
Sadly lore cucks would take this to the extreme and tell you a thousand times no to spite the post itself.
More options I say, the game’s story sucks and is confusing this would help add another layer of something that would actually be interesting for a change.
Kind of like Druids of the Fang…
It sounds cool but Demon Hunters FEED on demonic energy. Being adjacent to the Light, Fel is related, but I can’t believe a LF draenei would invoke Fel, or conversely, feed on a Naaru like the Blood Elves had in restoring their connection with the Light.
It would be its own separate class, in which case paladin already can fill that niche. Now… Night elf paladin…
Git gud
Nope, it would only have been Illidan and to be a DH means to have a demon inside you, which the LF draenei would reject. Normal draenei and LF draenei already reject being warlocks, Dh is out of the question.
It doesn’t have to be. So long as there is a powerful enough source to purify that Chaos energy within them into Light like Xe’ra started to do with Illidan, there’s no reason it couldn’t happen.
Lightforged are zealots. I think it falls well within reason that they would be willing to render themselves as a vessel for the Chaotic essence of the Demons they have vanquished with the sole purpose of bringing that essence before a powerful source of Light to be purified.
Doesn’t work like that chief.
The LFD’s thing could be that they extinguish the demon’s soul after they exorcise them absorbing the pain and misery the lightforged DH inflicted upon them in their final moments driving their righteous zeal to a holy blood lust.
Fair - Blizz has made dumber retcons.
The other roadblock is the thought that DH is an agility class with extreme mobility. A male LF using Fel Rush or Blade Dance would feel blocky and out of context. Something less noticeable on tiny elven frames.
Pretty sure you can just have it. I mean, Illidan chose fell because it was a quick and easy path to power. His abilities were just what you make of said power. In other words, Demon hunters just use technics while using fell as an energy source. In the audiobook that preluded the legion, Illidan saw himself as just that, a demon hunter using the light instead of fell, but as it goes, the demon energy raged against what the Naaru was doing, which is just like an exorcism.
But yeah, an easy lore fix and even story telling opportunity would be this. Even just progressing forward without having to retcon anything. Kayne Sunfury would go on to teach Illidan’s way While Altruis the Sufferer would be looking for a way towards redemption. Looking to the lightforged, they would find a way to infuse him with light energy and Altruis would, in return, teach the lightforged to use the light as a demon hunter would use it. Meanwhile, Kayne, looking for more recruits would go back to his BE people. Since he propose power, the orcs would be more than happy to gain it so a sub-sect of orcs that would otherwise be warlock as guldan was, would seek to be demon hunters.
There you go. Horde get their Orc DH, Alliance get their Lightforged DH, you don’t even have to retcon anything or introduce another dumb furry or scaly race out of nowhere, and if you’re wondering why would anyone chose this path, the answer is simple. The legion still exist, they just lost their leader, which isn’t even dead, he’s just stuck under Illidan’s watch and the titans. Now, if Blizz and Activision can stop being activist for a second and listen to their costumer, maybe they can stop sucking for a second and give us this quick fix. Honestly I’m not too interested in wow anymore anyway. If they didn’t have my favorite race, I’d have completely quit almost a decade ago. I swear “D.I.E.” policies ruin everything it touches.
That makes way for goblin DH.
“my demon is greed”
This ^
They can literally retcon anything. Look at paladins and blood elfs back in the day.
You could retcon druids hard enough to have goblin gnome druids because they use robots as forms. Or undead shamans, because they were buried at one point, or cremated, there’s earth and fire, full of decomposed gas and fluids is air and water. It’s whether blizz wants to bother.
I fully support Lightforged Demon Hunters, as a playable class in the WoW franchise.
Actually it does. I would rather see Lightforged Shaman
I feel like this is a meme.
Suggested Metamorphosis forms for Lightforged:
Havoc - Lothraxion - NPC - World of Warcraft
Vengeance - Felscarred Destroyer - NPC - World of Warcraft