Lightbringer Alliance Reconnections

Another former Eternal Reign guy here, I was Mx the rogue, a founder along with Chalon, Wake, Faye, Dalien, etc. I raid led along with Chalon up through AQ40 when I quit the game. A lot of fun memories doing server first PvE clears, the WSG/AB grind with Wake/Babo/Kalliope/etc. and everything in between. I’ll probably be rolling on Whitemane alliance if anyone wants to catch up.

  • Nitora, human paladin.

  • Mad Ninja Tactics

  • I moved over to Risen Anarchy at some point (it’s been SO LONG that I can’t remember if that guild got together before the end of Vanilla or not)

  • Moved over to Horde with Oryx (again, can’t remember if that was during Vanilla) when they left Lightbringer.

I remember a lot of Illuminus family/friend raid nights with my friend Klynmare (sp?), running away from TT folks (looking at you Flatty and Hotguns) in WSG, and /giggle at the Nightelf “Dancedance” back in SW on the mailbox.

We are still in contact though 8)

Halfpint NE rogue

Lost Cause, then Dark Legacy

Rolling on Atiesh, missed the name on the name grab though.

Hi Lyranel, /wave from Denik

yeah i tanked alot of 5 mans, pugged lead 10 mans, helped a lot of people get their set pcs damn boots would never drop for me lol. I quit raiding in BC stopped doing 5 mans in Wotlk, game has got so rep grindy, cant wait till classic.

Marema here. Played on LB for the 1st couple years I believe. Was in Pillars of the Tempe and Legion if I’m not mistaken. I will probably be on Herod server next week!

Former Saints Among Sinners alumni as well! Was in the guild after the merge with Black Dragonflight so a lot of the core players had left. Remember the guild was being ran by Aurori and Unity. Good folks.

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This thread is amazing, I remember most of the guilds, including EC, Fluffy Bunnies of Doom, DOJ, Forgiven, Steel Knight Sentry, Hostile Takeover.

Looking for any members of:
Fangs of Wrath, (2005 - Petrus, Laerik, Goatchivo)
Souls of Dragons (2005 - Windseeker, Jaydah)
Sapphire Crescent (2006 - Syruss, Cervante, Nightdreams, Shiver, Maladios, Pipp, Stormrulerr, Carbs, Invisi, Storer, Angelofdeth, Audosy, FTRMerrin)
Rangers of Theramore
Lethal Haven

For the Alliance!

Neiji here - Night Elf Rogue. I started out on Divine Smackdown and then we later became Trinity (?) I was also known as NJ for short. Some names of players that I remember are Killeth, Lo and Iluvgirls

I often played with my cousin, Tony, who was raiding with Steel Knight Sentry. I also healed on SKS with my priest, Temps.

Let’s reconnect if we’ve played together!

I remember you NJ - i was Shamaconde (warlock) and we raided MC/BWL /AQ20 & 40 a number of times together.

Hey! Not sure about Classic, but I might try and level a bit and see how it goes. I’m still enjoying retail, somehow, and I sure as hell don’t have time for both, so I dunno…

You guys thinking of coming back?

Yeah, from memory, EC and The Coldness had a raid alliance for a bit, I might have been raiding on my rogue Shadowgleam at the time. When all the drama went down, some of our raiders joined TnA (Gandilar the rogue, I think, maybe 1-2 others?), and we ended up folding and joining Project Måyhem.

Crazy times!

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Looking for :
Dewcrashmoon NE Hunter
Odinius Human Warlock
I’ve been on alliance since the beginning back in late 2004 early 2005

Hah Gandilar I remember! He and I would go back and forth on the meters during MC. I think his GF or wife also joined? but I dont really remembner

Sweets rings a bell

I remember those names, as well! I’ll go ahead and add you, my tag is Vikrul#1348

Right now I have some people on Mankrik, but I’m definitely gonna start on more than one server, so would be cool to link up! I miss SAS!!

I think some of your character names look familiar. I wish I could remember the timeframe of my tenure in the guild, but I bet I know you somehow :stuck_out_tongue: We had such amazing guild leaders!

Alot of names on here I remember. Pretty much all the characters I played had Jman in the name. Whole bunch of guilds, Hostile Takeover, Fluffie Bunnies, and more. If you remember me, feel free to add Jman#1984

Looking from anyone from the Alliance guild Reincarnation.

NE/Druid - Seleth

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