I played Darkcaramon, the NE huntard in Vanilla in the guild Fusion!
I switched playing a warrior named Ruhl in TBC and raided with Inbound, Remnant, Evolution, couple other guilds I think.
I also played a shaman named Asstera with The Raid Group during Wrath.
Randoman was a Balance druid for a while then heals on Lightbringer
Played during day 1, the list below was my names of many toons i played.
First guild - Alliance of the Owls, then to Elysian Conclave, then to the Coalition, Then to Overrated, then made Risen Anarchy my final home to where i was Co-GM then full GM.
My main toons during vanilla- Sanga, Suijin, Kazegin, Gus, and then some more. But mained Pally through vanilla into Lock all the way from TBC to now with playing a bunch of alts.
Made a few toons now on Horde side on Mankirk so i can try to get that feeling of something new since i haven’t touched horde yet. Toons name on there that i will be leveling first - Gus
Played a gnome warrior back then named Emyi. Been so long I don’t remember many names but would be nice to say hi to familiar people again.
Pion! I actually remember you and Daland! Me and some friends are planning to get back into the swing of things, we haven’t picked out a server yet tho. Feel free to add me Germ28 #1239. Would love to link up with anyone from Restrained Chaos!
I remember Numarx, and you!
Cytrin the mage was my main in Restrained Chaos
Cytrin the mage
Nytryx the druid
Guilds I’d love to reconnect with:
Nugget Buster Brigade
Saints Among Sinners
Restrained Chaos
Anyone play in the guild Lightbringers with Josfald as GM?
Hey hey hey man! Aelish and Trichor/Wheeljack here buddy! We haven’t seen you in ages! Are you thinking of coming back to play in classic? Would be fun. Need the get Hammerton back as well.
Cyrtin! I remember you as well! do you plan on making a come back? Feel free to reach out my tag is Germ28#1239. i’ve actually talked to a few people from restrained chaos on this fourm i’m trying to get everyone on the same server lol
Yes, for sure! So far I have my names reserved on Mankrik, what server is it looking like for you? My BattleTag is Vikrul#1348
i am ok with trying horde this time ,(don’t know about pvp …) would be a different experience, but no one else seams to bite onto the idea. would love to play/raid with you again.
also add me Narso#1804
Hello! I am forwarding a message from a friend of mine to you. He was a previous Saints Among Sinners guild member, and owing to not having a current toon cannot post in forums.
His message is as follows: I played through most of Vanilla in the guild Saints Among Sinners. It would be cool to reconnect with people from that guild. I am currently putting together a casual guild on Grobbulus you can add me on Bnet at Honour #1625 if your interested.
Cytrin, I don’t remember you, but I only remember a few guildies names: Dan the GM, Oyabun the main tank and Halp the Warrior who got the ZG tiger.
What? i am always around playing
Dam wrong toon.lol
Been playing since game started in HostileTakeover and still in the same guild. Waiting to see how many of the old guilds will recreate the same guilds on classic
I remember Nelanie. Was in a guild with nel and elfrouge before it was called Murder of Crows. LON
Irene - Nightelf, Priest
Komu - Tauren, Shaman (I really don’t remember my guild…)
This was back in vanilla and I was in high school when I started playing so I actually don’t remember a lot of names of friends other than Skorri and Antihero from the alliance side.
Dreturns / BigDWilliams
NElf Hunter / Human Paladin
Started out in Divine Smackdown, can’t remember what guild I went to after that. I recognized someone from Fluffy Bunnies in here, this is crazy! Hopefully I’ll see someone I know!
I think me and my friends were also looking to play on Mankrik. I’ll add your tag and we can link up in game!