Lightbringer Alliance Reconnections

Delwynar ne holy priest I was in sister guild of Tears and Ashes! You guys had the best Druid healer on the server!

Kai I totally remember you :slight_smile: I can’t figure out how to message you

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LIL and Zed came with me from DAOC. Wish i could get a hold of them

Aloeverah - Night Elf Priest - Was in Pillars of the Temple and Centered… and maybe some others (I forget).

Crazy to see all these old names! I was dps warrior in Elysian Conclave.


Orek here! I was the Night Elf Hunter with Elysian Conclave always getting yelled at by Inacht :slight_smile: lol

Good to see some familiar names! I’ve been playing classic wow as horde on Kromcrush but would be down to transfer/work on a char elsewhere if peeps are congregating somewhere.

Renei!! How are you my friend.

Blaknight NE Hunter.

What sever did you end up on?
If anyone from Immortal/The order would like to add me. My battletag is Shert#1559

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I’m doing great. Glad to see you’re doing well Scott!

Used to play Lightbringer after transferring from Nazjatar I believe. I was a NE druid Treehuggaz… resto druid. Nuff said. Now on Benediction playing Orc w eventual plans for resto shaman.

Hey Magusrex! This is Spaz from the old 2004-2006 Project Mayhem guild!

After 14 years away from the game I’m finally back! It’s crazy and it took COVID-19 to lure me back in. Back on Lightbringer but playing modern WoW, not classic.

It took a little back and forth with Blizzard support, but I got Spaz (my gnome warrior) and my level 60 priest and rogue back too. Man I loved tanking MC & BWL back in the day. I even have that gear on my guys still!

So many good raid memories from our guild times. All those names you listed take me back. Good to see a familiar name from the old days!

Bro no way?! What!

Hey, Im Reverve Pally, Drewid Obvious, I was in the guild with Dew, Odi, Mckiwi, Clarista, Attone, Forbiden, and all them, i forgot the Vanilla guild name, but i remember changing the name to Legendary when BC started after the old guild GM like dissolved the guild.

Reverve Paladin
Drewid Druid
I was with Centered and what became Legendary in TBC, but in Vanilla i ran alot of raids with your guild.

The warrior was Hamhok!!

How many made it back to glory?

I played on Lightbringer as a Night Elf Hunter named Moraszune and a Human Paladin named Mandrenn. I was apart of the old guild named Highjack if anyone has heard of me or them :smiley:

a little later… 2009ish
Kirashaven, female NE druid - balance mostly

Falconius Hunter, Lyzha DK

Played mainly with Ancient Legends and The Evolved

Looking for old guild mates. Our guild was on Lightbridge before it was stolen in the Hour of Twilight update.
Guild name was Freedom of Azeroth Guild leaders were Mesquite and Mythoren.
My Paladins name has not changes from back then other then the character over the “a” in my name. If you were in the guild and remember any of us send me a reply trying to find old friends from the past.