Still at it LOL add me… Nakita#1853
Awks… who the hell am I thinking of then?? Would always join the PvP battlegrounds with Sulfurons hammer and the enemy would always AFK out…
If you see Starsong/Flosset again please tell them thanks again for the Glowing Brightwood Staff
Your name sounds very familiar!!
Also i think i remeber Toyz
Names i know i remember were Zed G/M and pally and his wife Anna who was a priest, polemos a warrior, a dwarf hunter i called Ruff his real name was Tony i cant remeber how to spell his name and a druid called Taealla.
I wasn’t active in the PvP scene at all so I can’t say. If it was one of ours, then it’d be Gaelstorm (who posted above) by default since he was our resident hammer-wielder. We did recruit someone else with a hammer fairly late into classic but the name escapes me at the moment.
I started as a NE Druid Named Krysten. Also played as NE Priest named Artis and eventually a human mage named Shandrie.
I started a guild named Legions of the Moon. We eventually merged with Full Moon Rising, which was eventually folded into the Golden Elm.
Would love to see some of those old faces.
Marna, Aimee, Jackie, Lothlorian, Lunawolf, Bowknight.
Yeah Tony (Ruffuscahn) was really cool. And I think Zed’s wife’s name was Lil.
Yes! Ruffuscahn! That was his name. Man I really miss those guys. Wish things went differently and i was able to keep playing. Thank you!!
Bremen! I remember you from Elite Vanguard XD
My main was Doornail, gnome warlock in Elite Vanguard and Dark Legacy during vanilla.
Ahoy, Helsing/Niro sound vaguely familiar but can’t say I remember much. Definitely was in the same guilds on my main - Doornail, gnome warlock in Elite Vanguard, Dark Legacy, and Overrated. Anywho just thought I’d say cheers
Nortalud, nelf hunter here (still playing occasionally on Lightbringer), I raided BWL with SKS way back when. The semi-drama between Meiia and Valour (sp?) when Asscandy dropped and Kayani (also sp?) thinking her house was being broken into mid-raid are still my two most indelible memories from that era.
BigDWilliams definitely rings a bell. I’m pretty sure you raided with my roommate back in classic (Healmonkey, human priest, or maybe Navyseals, nelf hunter).
I believe that Tauren Warriors name was Mauriusmoo
Alliance, late 2006 on Lightbringer. Dwarf Paladin named Keaden. Not sure the name of the Guild.
I did make a character on Pagle but couldn’t get in. We are on Westfall Magusrex#1997. Please add me.
Yes yes yes We are playing. Magusrex#1997. Old friends please add me.
Brother, you better remember Helsing! You’re the one I met on a 5 man dungeon that got me into EV after we became buddies. Glad to see you still around. Not sure where you’re at but I ended up on Westfall with my main Murcusio and Helsing as my alt. Murcusio#1252, keep in touch!
I remember you guys! I played this character back in RC as well. Good times
I don’t remember you but I was in pillars of the temple as well! largosagi NE warrior.
I started my WoW career on Lightbringer back in the day. NE Hunter Blaknight.
I raided with Steel Knight Sentry (SKS), OMEN and Immortal before I moved to an Oceanic server.
SKS Represent!
Blaknight here