With the restrictions being lifted about transmogging Artifact Skins coming in 9.0.1. It would be nice to have the spec restrictions lifted from the class mounts as well.
Yea let’s not have a DK riding a priest owl, thanks.
Dont you actually summon them? Like special animation to get on them.
I think they should keep their class uniqueness.
I cant imagine a tauren doing a backflip to get on the DH mount.
I’m assuming OP just meant DKs could choose the frosty, bloody, or unholy drake no matter which spec they’re currently in? If so, I support that fully. Never understood why some classes got all three of their available all the time and others didn’t.
Spec restrictions not class restrictions. Eg as a Blood DK, you should be able to ride the Frost DK drake.
Yes please <3 let me use my water elemental. Who does world content in resto spec.
Should have rolled a hunter. We can use all regardless of spec. Don’t worry you have time to reroll still.
Ah alright. Didnt knew that was a thing? I just have one mount, lol.
nope. that would take the point of them away.
seriously, the pre-patch needs to come out to so people have something else to do than make these silly suggestions.
It’s just the color isn’t it?
Why? Don’t you want to use the fire elemental as enh?
It’s a pretty stupid restriction.
I swear sometimes the “no” people just baffle me.
Well I guess that means Warlocks, Hunters, Paladins and any others (I have not gotten every class hall mount but I’m getting there) will just have to have that restriction shoved down their throats. IIRC Paladins have 4 variations of class mounts that can be used interchangeably.
I have them all, and if memory serves:
One mount that changes color/skin based on spec:
Death Knight
One mount that is the same for all specs:
Demon Hunter
Druid (with color differences based on character race)(also technically just a different flight form, not an actual mount)
Three mounts usable with any spec:
Paladin (they actually have a fourth color as well)
Rogues are any spec that I do know.
I have:
Death Knight
Ah is their’s the same regardless of spec? I don’t play my rogue often so I couldn’t remember if it changed.
There are 4 rogue mounts according to WoWhead. Independent of spec.
Ahhh, I see. Guess I just never bothered collecting those on my rogue, she only has the one. I should really get around to that…
I always hated that this was how it worked for these classes when other classes just…got more mounts and could do whatever they wanted.
Especially when looking at the artifact skins and you have Fire-looking Frost weapons or Frost-looking Unholy weapons. Not to mention the wonky mount count between classes now. I really wanted to be able to use the fiery Elemental mount (I meant mount, I must not be thinking straight this morning my goodness) for my Restoration Shaman because of his mog at the time, but noooooooo.
I’d support the requested change in the OP.