I know PVP is in a bad state with corruptions… but… Life Cacoon is on a whole other level. I believe it is a 45 second cooldown and it is a complete reset of the fight. The monk is also impossible to catch cause of their insane mobility.
Can we at least reduce the % of cacoon or increase the duration, like double it?
There is a reason Mistweavers are in EVERY single high rated pvp team. They are WAY too OP in PVP… Primarily because of Life Cacoon.
Eh, the main culprit is corruptions, a lot of comps and classes will heavily fall out of favor post SL. I honestly gave up on PvP, its just stack a bunch of mind flays or stat corrupts and hope they proc a few times to truck people down.
my rbg team runs with 2 mw and 1 holy priest, you have to play the meta or get crushed
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That is both hilarious and terrifying at the same time, literally attrition the other team to death.
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The fact that you say this proves two things, you don’t PVP and you don’t know monks.
With just a single PVP talent called chrysalis, life cacoon is 1.2 minutes. Then there is an azerite trait you can stack that reduces it down further. I believe down to 45 seconds. That’s not counting ineffible truth.
Please educate yourself before posting about things you do not know.
I think it’s more because of their mobility. They are the most mobile healing class in the game.
Once again, research please. 
It’s called Burst of Life. Reduces cooldown by 20 seconds. Unless I am reading it incorrectly.
the azerite trait stacks the burst of healing (80k-160-240 at 480 ilvl) but not the cd reduction, 55 seconds its the lowest I saw.
With ineffable truth (50%) it’s down to 25-30 seconds, it’s pretty awful to play against.
I dunno about arenas, but in BGs well-played healer monks are easily among the most infuriating specs to have to deal with. They dart around all over the place, have great healing, and even pretty decent CC. If I queue into a game that has 2-3 mistweavers that stick together I just resign myself to the fact that none of them will be dying.
what happens if 2 of them get sheeped and 3 fire mages all use greater Pyro?
Class stacking does stack the potential.
Any monk who wants to seroiusly PvP takes an azerite trait called Crysalis that reduces the cooldown to I think 45 seconds, I don’t remember the exact number cause I haven’t played my mistweaver in a while, but it is a pretty drastic reduction.
That’s one of my least favorite parts of PvP in this xpac actually, classes stack way too well.
It’s because LC was poop for so long they had to make OP at least once right?
Warriors should get “Battering Throw”. An ability to insta break it 
It’s a pretty nutty ability
Low hp my friend? Here you go, enjoy the giant shield of anti death
Yes, Life Cocoon is extremely broken. And it has been the reason for many, many matches are being decided at all during this current AWC.
It’s agreed by the majority of the high-tier pvp community that it has a ridiculously short CD for how powerful it is.
I have seen Life Cocoon as low as 28s CD. (Chrysalis currently brings it down from 2min. to 1:15m, and then paired with Burst of Life, down to 55s CD.)
Lasting for 12s that means you have a Cocoon up every 43s that bursts and heals your party as well. Put two ineffable Truth’s and that CD can come down to the high 20’s.
Kaivax has announced a MUCH needed nerf coming in next week:
- Mistweaver
- Chrysalis (PvP Talent) now reduces the cooldown of Life Cocoon by 25 seconds (was 45 seconds).
PvP Tuning Changes for June 9
More like life cuckoon am I right?