Life After War

People need drinks to get the courage to fight. They need drinks to get through times of fighting. They need drinks to forget the fighting.

Quinn will do what he’s found he enjoys doing. Being an innkeeper and tavern owner.

So, for pure craps and giggles…

Quinn is going to be the founder of the Azeroth-wide competition to see who makes the best craft beer?

A Draenei after my own heart here. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Life after war will be when the Horde is extinct. Four different warchiefs have now instigated war against the Alliance. Another didn’t lift a hand to stop some of his underlings from committing unprovoked attacks of aggression. The Horde can no longer be trusted to maintain peace. Saurfang would be just another Thrall in that he wouldn’t start war but he won’t stop his people from murdering Alliance whenever they feel like it. Baine would eventually be usurped by someone else who wants to start it again. At this point the rabid dog just needs to be put down for good.

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Tell us how you really feel.

Baine and Genn are good boys and deserve a vacation.


Aethillak here has been involved in some sort of conflict since his family fled the Scourge in Lordaeron. Serving in any fashion he could up until he joined the Argent Crusade. Only leaving after the Broken Shore and leading his own group of men into what was essentially their deaths. Now he’s headfirst into the conflict with the Horde and has an ever growing hatred toward the Undead (Death Knights included) which he uses to fuel his training with the Light. After the conflict is over he’ll focus on his being a paladin while also looking after his son and adopted daughter.

I kind of have him written off as a military man. I’d imagine if their is some type of time jump (which there prob wont be) he’d die in battle of some kind. At least thats where I plan on taking it.

How tempted am I to have my draenei sitting on a porch, talking to a ghost of an old friend, and being asked what it all cost. He would sigh wistfully and say ‘everything.’

But I won’t do that.

Fizzwop could slip into civilian living again pretty easily now that he has a domestic life, his beautiful wife, his many children, his best friend who’s had his back for decades. He’s a restless person by nature, but he doesn’t -need- war, he could just go ride his mechano-hog across the country and tinker to work off the jitters.

If the Horde lost, I imagine Fizz would get pretty decent amnesty, considering he’s been actively working to make things better, and is doing MOST of his work with the Champions of Azeroth and civilian caravans. He’s befuddled and confounded Dreadguards, smuggled refugees on caravans, and in general has made himself a nuisance in the eyes of Sylvanas. Of course, he would probably have to deal with a lot of vigilante justice, but I think he’d make it out alright.

If the Horde won, he would be doing more or less what he’s doing now, sabotaging Sylvanas wherever he can and promoting a resolution with as few bodies as possible. He’s pretty staunchly anti-forced-undeath, so he’d probably join the inevitable revolution against Sylvanas for good or for ill if it came to that. He’s got his priorities after all! At the moment he’s fighting for the Horde mostly because Night Warrior elves whose policy is ‘no mercy no longer’ doesn’t leave him with the best hope his family will survive. So he’s hedging bets.


If the Alliance wins or there is peace/ceasefire then Taran will know that the Horde is no longer a threat to his homeland and go back to finally spend sometime with his cub and husband.

If the Horde wins, Taran will find some place to keep his cub and husband safe while trying to convince Pandaria to establish some sort of army, cause he feels that after the Alliance is gone the Horde will shift to conquest.

Bonus Outcome - If the Alliance is slaughtered and Syvlanas raises them and uses her new army to turn on the Horde and slaughter/raise them. The situation will become hopeless. He would for sure once again hide his husband and cub, maybe send em’ to Outland, despite their protests. He would then join whatever resistance forms to try and stop the Lich Queen.


Most of my characters would probably feel a great sense of relief in the war ended in a way that meant people could finally rebuild and find peace with one another and just freaking move on instead of heaping more misery on top of already prevalent grievances. A chance to see the Kaldorei recover, the Sin’dorei, even the Orcs… just everyone. Ariiah would be among the those taking the greatest effort to facilitate this. She’s fought the Horde as part of the Alliance army, she’s been an adventurer …now she just wants to raise her family for Light’s sake.

And Nokeena hopefully, would by now at last be free of the Void, one way or another, and never be a monster again.

If the Horde won and it was worst-case grimdark evil scenario, well …I suspect most of my characters would end up dead, and those who remained wouldn’t last long? And Nokeena?

…the Horde would have it’s victory, only to find itself beset by a new and horrible enemy that thrives on blood, flesh, and the agony of it’s victims; some monsters existing only to feast and slaughter, and other more powerful ones quite happy to dance -literally- to the screams of their victims; Nokeena’s terrible Void Beast children, unleashed in a fit of madness and absolute rage against the Horde that took ‘her’ world from her.

It would be messy. And it would be truly the darkest timeline because it wouldn’t end there; and those of the Alliance who survived would also invariably find themselves victims of the madness as Nokeena fully gives in to the Void, becomes the Old God of …I dunno. Xenotyranidnecromorph Dark Eldarsaurus’ I guess, and plunge Azeroth into total chaos and thusly corrupt it.

And the Void Lords win the game.

BUT THAT WON’T HAPPEN, because I don’t plan to ever write such a thing and well… let’s face it. No one’s going to win this war, most likely. It’ll be a ceasefire/true end or something. Or go into full on cold war stuff. And Nokeena should be cured by then too.

Might be interesting to do some timey-wimey stuff where this is like an alternate future though. :thinking:


Olsev here will do what he does best, smile and sell goods and travel while still continuing to provide tacit aid to various criminal and revolutionary elements and not giving a damn about the Alliance OR the Horde.

My DK Istvan however, well… the war is just an excuse to expedite his work, after all. Faction conflict or no faction conflict he’ll still be killing anyone who deserves it and trying to convince any who will listen to willingly join him in undeath. XD

If it ends in another boring and predictable stalemate, most of my characters are breaking ties with the Alliance and going rogue to hunt the Horde on their own. One of my mains (who was a member of the Sons of Lothar) decided to stay in the Outlands rather than return home to Azeroth because he believed the Alliance was too soft, and that they were traitors for having sided with the Horde during the Third War. He only came back to join the fight during the war against Hellscream’s Horde.

He, and most of my other characters, are sick and tired of the Alliance having to be the good guys, and are zealous in their hatred for the Horde.

Quinn isn’t super involved in the war. He sees Sylvanas as a legitimate threat, when he found out she destroyed a world tree to send a message, he felt a horrible sense of dread and anger that such a person could exist. He also likes the Alliance as a whole. He thinks what they stand for and their goals are worthwhile, he just can’t fully trust anything that big.

Basically he wants Sylvanas dead as much as any living human, but he knows that everyone has an agenda, even the people pursuing her. You’re gonna kill her and then turn all that Azerite over to Magni? Yeah I thought not.

What he does after the war depends entirely on who wins, of course. If the Horde wins, he’d likely stay in Duskwood, but stay elusive. I doubt he’d be able to keep his tavern going sadly, but he’d stay in the area to keep an eye on things, and probably try to help the locals escape whatever sick plan Sylvanas has for them.

If the Alliance won, he’d do what he’s doing now. Serving adventurers, keeping an eye on people in power, and continuing his work with the Great Tree in the Twilight Grove.

Autai is currently a hired hand to the war effort. She wanted extra coin to find a larger home in Gadgetzan for her and her little Marsuul.

After the war, she’ll likely go back to what she was doing before and take mercenary work in Tanaris. She might start doing escorts through the desert again. She’s noticed that she gets a lot more attention as a Lightforged and may do marketing campaigns for the local Goblins/Gnomes if they offer enough coin.

the war will never be over

there will always be human male paladins to shank

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Though I don’t really RP him these days, I imagine Vorenth will be happy to see Sylvanas exiled or dead or whatever. He’s -deeply- concerned about what she’s been doing in terms of possibly meddling with free will, and what she’s willing to sacrifice (basically freewill and the Horde itself) to wage this war. And for what? Because she thinks the Alliance MAYBE would attack us at some point…given what clues? Oh, boy king Anduin, the raging war beast (sarcasm there).

And he’s facepalming over the fact she just managed to piss off an entire race (two, really, let’s not forget Worgen who were living in Teldrassil) of feral elves that have the very power of nature at their fingertips? That’s going to end well for any Forsaken if the Alliance manage to win (he’s fairly certain the Alliance, should they win, will just execute EVERY Forsaken no matter if they were anti-Sylvanas or not-- even WITH Genn’s revelation at the whole "I guess not all Forsaken are really evil after all).

Speaking of, what Sylvanas did to those Forsaken who just wanted to reunite with their living kin? THAT really boils his ichor.

So, he’s waiting for the war to end…but also dreading it, because he knows if red side does’t win…thanks to Sylvanas’ actions (she just made her own stupid prophecy of "the Alliance will destroy us one day!), he’s a dead…uh, deader…man and will probably be executed by proxy.

Not a happy corpse. He hates Sylvanas and would bounce for joy (or…I dunno, shamble for joy?) when she’s thrown from power…and then he’d realize what that means for him and probably freak out. But would his re-death, and the death of all Forsaken (in his mind) be worth it if it meant Sylvanas would no longer be able to raise a potential Scourge 2.0? I think he’s torn on that, but he knows she has to go one way or another.

I mean, I have such a good angle to RP him from with this conflict (anti-Sylvanas Forsaken who is now desperately part of the war machine and fighting–not for her–but because he thinks the Alliance will kill them all for HER crimes), but OOC-wise I just feel reluctant to get involved because it’s got the potential for so much toxicity, too.


Aethillak here was a part of the war long before this portion of it began. Then sidelined it for a greater purpose with the Argent Crusade and now is back full swing in tearing apart the Horde as much as he can as they’ve done nothing but cause him personal loss since the start. Fighting ends he’d find something else to fight. It’s what he’s grown accustomed to.