Lichborne Macro Help

Hi there,

I am attempting to create a macro that will:

  1. Cast Lichborne
  2. Cast Death Coil on myself with subsequent key presses

I found a macro from the Method FDK guide that is:

#showtooltip Lichborne
/cast !Lichborne;
/cast [target=player] Death Coil

This Macro almost does what I’m looking for; however, it casts lichborne and uses Death Coil on myself in a single button press. This is fine for situations where I want the healing, but a dps loss is situations where I simply want to remove CC.

Does anyone have a lichborne macro that does what I am looking for? Or can assist me with altering the one I currently have to achieve my desired outcome? Thanks for any help you can provide.

#showtooltip Lichborne
/castsequence [@player]reset=10 Lichborne, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil, Death Coil


not enough death coils.

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Switch the lines around so on the first button press, you attempt to cast Death Coil on yourself first, which shouldn’t do anything, and then casts Lichborne on yourself. Subsequent presses of the macro will successfully cast Death Coil on yourself as long as you are undead. The macro should do nothing when pressed if Lichborne is on CD and you are not undead.

Note that you can use @player instead. You also don’t need to precede the cast with an exclamation point:

#showtooltip Lichborne
/cast [@player] Death Coil
/cast Lichborne

You should also note that you can be shackled by priests if you are undead. So you might instead consider having a separate macro to both cast Lichborne and cancel the aura:

#showtooltip Lichborne
/cancelaura Lichborne
/cast Lichborne

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