Lich King Anduin

So I have been pondering how Anduin would be “made to serve” and it occurred to me that now that the Jailer has extracted the plans for the Helm of Domination from the Runecarver’s head he can make a new one any time he wishes. This particularly true with the sheer amount of anima he has at his disposal right now.

On top of that Anduin fits the basic profile Arthas did, a paladin powerful with the Light with an ongoing weak spot (Varian’s death, in this case) which can be exploited. I think this might of been why all our leaders were abducted. They were being tested to find one with the right qualities and power level suitable to be Lich King 4.0 and holding back Zovval for even a moment meant Anduin won the prize.

Of course then, it is worth considering why? The Lich King was effectively Zovval’s avatar outside of the Maw, and creating a new one from a suitably powerful mortal would allow him to directly act outside the Maw while his body remains sealed away. Perhaps even to strike at Azeroth herself and lead the endless Mawsworn armies to conquer the planet through a giant rift in the sky ala Legion.

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It would be incredibly lazy to turn the other blond haired light user into the Lich King, so I wouldn’t put it past them.

It would be incredibly stupid however for Sylvanas to aid in the creation of another Lich King.


If that was the Jailer’s plan, boy do I feel bad for him when he learns Anduin can also manifest the Void, that little snippet Blizzard wanted added to the end of Shadow’s Rising. Goes to use Anduin’s body as a vessel, gets eaten by the Void.


What if he’s the vessel for Zovaal to finally escape the Maw?

Velen saw a a vision that in an alternate timeline there was a Lich King that was worse than Arthas who purged Azeroth of all life before the Legion got to it. I think this was Tirion in an alternate Timeline.

It was Tirion who was the one that Zorvall was positioning to be the next LK after Arthas but Bolvar took his place instead. It seems like Zorvall wanted Tirion and Yogg-Saron wanted Bolvar. Bolvar wanted to make Tirion the head of the Four Horsemen in Legion until the Light stole his soul and stopped the Ebon Blade from raising Tirion’s body by blasting Light’s Hope with Holy Light. I hope we see Tirion in the Shadowlands and I hope he helps break Anduin free from Zorvall.

The Dreadlords were after Ashbringer, probably because it has the power to break any physical bonds. With Alexadros in the Maw. I wonder if the Dreadlords used Ashbringer to break Zorvall’s bonds. because if you look at Zorvall he has light coming from his chains, suggesting his chains were broken by the Light.


I like the general direction of your thought, but I’m not sure about the details. Zovaal wanting Tirion as the new Lich King? Sure, I can buy that, it would rather neatly retroactively explain why Arthas was so obsessed with the idea of capturing and turning Tirion during all of Wrath, even before he took up the Ashbringer. Remember, the stated reason Arthas gave for his willingness to sacrifice every single death knight in Acherus to the fury of the Light and the Argent Dawn was to draw Tirion out into the open…which is a bit odd for Arthas, since he didn’t have any real personal history with Tirion prior to that point. If that desire to turn Tirion was the result of Zovaal’s influence bleeding through, that would explain a lot.

What I’m not so sure about is the idea of Tirion leading the Four Horsemen and the Dreadlords using the Ashbringer. The dialogue and quest text at the end of the death knight order hall campaign strongly implies that Tirion was never actually meant to be Bolvar’s preferred candidate to lead the Four Horsemen, but rather that the entire gambit of going back to Light’s Hope to raise him was meant as a test for Darion, Bolvar’s actual preferred choice. Like Arthas before him, Bolvar knew that an attack on Light’s Hope would fail, and moreover knew that Tirion was probably the last person on Azeroth Darion would want to see raised as a death knight aside from his own father (and thankfully the location of Alexandros’ mortal remains is unknown), but he wanted Darion to prove his commitment to the cause, even in violation of his own personal ethics and in the face of certain defeat, while also showcasing both that commitment and his willingness to self-sacrifice to the other Horsemen, thus earning their respect. The third attack on Light’s Hope was basically one giant horrific team-building trust exercise inflicted on the Deathlord and the Horsemen by Bolvar, because Lich King Bolvar is a jerk who can’t be bothered to communicate directly and just ask Darion if he wouldn’t mind dying again so that he can once again follow in his father’s footsteps.

As for the Ashbringer sword, I don’t know that the Dreadlords, or at least the Warcraft III ones, could handle an uncorrupted Ashbringer directly (Lothraxion probably can). I don’t think it was the Ashbringer that allowed Tirion to escape Arthas’ trap at the top of Icecrown, but rather the Light itself, and if it’s the Light that Zovaal needs, then that would explain both his interest in Anduin’s Light-wielding abilities and why he’s kept Anduin alive. That said, the Ashbringer is still notable for being the blade that shattered Frostmourne, and that alone might be enough to pique Zovaal’s interest. I’ve mentioned before in a different post that I initially though that Alexandros being captured and imprisoned in the Maw was just Vyraz making sure that he wasn’t around to get in the way of his schemes in Maldraxxus, not unlike how he was targeted when he was alive for being in the way of both the Dreadlords and the Scourge, but between Alexandros being captured and tortured and Denathrius’ experiments on a Naaru, it’s possible that Zovaal might have enough information to make a weapon similar to the Ashbringer. For that matter, it’s also worth noting that Shadowmourne, which in theory was part of the winning battle against Arthas and helped counter Frostmourne in the same fight that saw the Ashbringer shatter it, was conceived of and forged by Darion, and that Darion was also captured and tortured in the Maw. I don’t really expect Blizzard to actually go that direction, but if Zovaal thought that Frostmourne was the Best Sword Ever, then it would make sense for him to be curious about any weapon that could counter its power or, indeed, shatter it. Perhaps such information would have been useful in making Kingsmourne, even.

I would love to see Tirion again, but if we see him come back for something like this I would demand that Alexandros also be involved so that they can chat about having to break a young man out of mind control from the forces of Death again while Darion grumbles in the background trying to ignore them. I don’t know what it is that Blizzard has about turning virtuous Light-wielding young men in their late teens into mind-controlled instruments of Death who wield their fathers’ corrupted legendary swords, but it is a little strange that they’ve done it twice now.


Ah yes, the quintessential male coming of age story of not knowing how to handle the sword your dad gave you lol.


lol indeed!

To be fair, Darion grew up being trained in using two-handed swords and knew how to wield the Ashbringer just fine when he was alive, and he didn’t have any problems with it as a death knight until the second attack on Light’s Hope. It was also the right type of weapon for his class, unlike Anduin who insists on carrying a two-hander out of sentimentality even though it seems to sometimes be a hindrance since he’s a priest. Anduin is very different from Varian both in personality and skill set, while Darion, though certainly distinct enough to be his own character, is very much like Alexandros in temperament and profession (as well as physical appearance, if comparing their in-game models), to the point that it’s almost a running joke in-universe how much he keeps unintentionally following in his father’s footsteps.

I think the question right now is if Zovaal wants to try another Lich King to serve as a proxy after the previous ones were considered failures overall, or if he’s more interested in escaping from the Maw himself so that he can just do things himself. I think he’s using Anduin right now in order to expedite his own freedom, as we’ve seen some of Zovaal’s other allies pursuing that goal. I’m curious about whether or not Zovaal has plans for him beyond that, or if he’ll discard Anduin just like he did Denathrius.

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Anduin is a priest. And Arthas was not a “good guy” before he became corrupted beyond redemption. Anduin is a completely unwilling participant. Not the same at all.

Now that he’s torn open the veil I don’t think that the Jailer needs a new Lich King, although I am curious about the purpose of Kingsmourne. Mourneblades seem to be pretty difficult to make and require a lot of resources even for the Jailer. If all that the Jailer wanted Anduin for was to get close to the Archon then I’m not sure why Anduin needed a Mourneblade. Did he need it to extract the key?


Purely guessing but runeblades eat souls.

So it stands to reason that if keys are embedded in the souls of the Eternal Ones then a runeblades would be the best way to retrieve them.

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Would a planet sized soul feed a planet sized runeblade?

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Dun dun dunnnnnn!!

Sorry after reading this comment that noise popped into my head.

Interesting though, what if Sargeras wielded a runeblade… and then jammed it into Azeroth… and … I don’t know where else that leads.

Maybe Azeroth’s soul is just sitting in the sword and the Jailer needs to grab it?
Maybe Azeroth’s soul broke the machine of death?
Maybe Magni wasn’t ever speaking to Azeroth, but the entire time it was N’zoth?
Maybe N’zoth faked his own death, and is taking over Azeroth while we’re gone?

Maybe some day we’ll pull that dumb sword out. Seriously, doesn’t that thing make Azeroth’s rotations have a wobble to them?

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I’d rather not have any new Lich Kings. If Blizz were to make another there is no way that move wouldn’t come off as desperate. I don’t really care what happens with Anduin, but I’d rather have new characters and villains than retreads of what came before.

No it’s really not Wort much thought. Anduin has too mich plot armor for something like this to happen. He is Golden’s pet.

Nothing Bad will happen to Anduin. That’s also why he is forced to help the Jailor, that’s why he is mind controlled. So he stays inocent and no consequences will be reaching him ever. But he can look edgy for some patches.

If you look at Dark Titan Sargeras blade in Chronicle, the one that killed the planet. It looks like a Runeblade. It’s not Gorshalach, but Gorshalach is currently embedded in Azeroth.

It’s a theory of mine that Sargeras once weilded a runeblade like the Lich King.

As far as I am aware, Gorshalach isn’t actually in the current lore.

John Constantine: “What if I told you that God and the devil made a wager, a kind of standing bet for the souls of all mankind?”

What if… everybody just wants our souls.

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The Legion was clearly using something called a Soul Forge to make weapons imbued with souls.

Dk’s also went into the Shadowlands, got souls and runecrafted them in DK artifact weapons. Putriss’s soul is in one of them. That’s why we won’t see Putriss in the Shadowlands.