Lich King and other things

What spec was Arthas in? Because if he was rolling frost and using 2H Frostmourne…well then blizzard I guess we need to talk.


Summon Horror, Summon Ghoul, Raise Dead, Pain and Suffering, Necrotic Pain, Defile, Summon Valkyr, Death Coil -All Shadow damage or UH Type Spells (Even Fury of Frostmourne was shadow based)

As a DK (WC III)- Death Coil, Death Pact, Unholy Aura, Animate Dead

Frost type abilities - Remorseless Winter, Ice Lock

Clearly a Frost Dk…


2h even. With an excellent knockback, i might add.

Well he died in wrath, when frost was 2h

Also, can only assume he frost because how imbedded frost is throughout dk specs.

The Lich King has no spec he’s everything a DK is and more. We are essence of him not the other way around. Besides that the Lich King uses more unholy spells than anything and on top of that he doesn’t just wield a two handed sword, Arthas one handed a two hander.

Not to nitpick but there are over 40 (that I’ve collected) 1h sized 2h’s. And same for 2h looking 1h’s.

Doombringer and the recolors and a buncha other small 2hs.

Basically what we got is a lightsaber issue. Like sure it can be 1h’d, do it all the time when i step into shadow realm or just walking around with my weapon drawn and no target.

Lore characters and NPCs are not beholden to the class/spec restrictions that players are. This is why Thrall, as a Shaman, can wear the doom plate. Grom and Garrosh are both warriors who wear leather pants and really not much else, depending on which game/xpac/art you are looking at.

We should still definitely be allowed to weird 2H weapons as frost. Shadowmourne is a 2H weapon and I think it’s wrong that we would have to swap specs just to wield one of the more iconic weapons of our class. It’s a defining feature and we should be allowed to choose what we want to use much like priests being able to choose between main/off hand or staves.

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Edit thyself, draenei! It’s wield not weird, lol although, i probably just made it weird. …

I personally loathe autocorrect and love it when mauh fone dun want to type on certain areas of the screen.

Nah, Arthas was back in Wrath. Frost wasn’t a class, it was a spec. It’s clear that Arthas was a Unholy and frost hybrid, most mostly unholy. He didn’t use blood spec at all because then no one would have been able to kill him.

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Not that again. It.will.never.happen no matter how many times you guys cry in the forum. May as well get used to it mate.

And I agree, Arthas doesn’t have to BE frost or unholy… we are but aspects of him. Not the other way around. :wink:

We don’t necessarily even want to wield a 2h, just appearances.

Mages can do it with frost spec. We should too.