Libram of Resilience worthless now…

Now you can get them buying boxes they are worthless on the AH.

Oh no!



Prices on necessary items are falling and a “Wolf of WoW Street” is angry.

I do not detect any problems.


I know this isn’t a lot, but I just spent 60 reals on boxes and didn’t get any librams, so it’s not like they are dropping on every single box or something, they are still going to be worth something in the AH.

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my librams are going to be cheaper oh god nooooooooooo


Did OP think people were gonna be unhappy about the libram price falling ??



And this is an issue how??? This is nothing but a positive for people that want to do heat 3, stop complaining for the sake of complaining.

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Crazy, everyone here just thinking of themselves, not everyone gets gold doing professions and swiping their credit card while playing WoW.

This is Sandbox of Disappointment.

soon you’ll see felstriker, sulfuras, and TF before bwl in real vendor!


It’s ok, us rogues are still making bank on arcanums =D

A bit hypocritical but ok.

I fail to see how you CAN’T make money this phase, I did my 0.5 quest and while doing said quest chain i managed to regain almost ALL of my gold just from running dungeons.

I don’t even sell my services as a tailorer/enchanter and i STILL passively make money this phase.

Not my problem you don’t do professions.

If I swiped, I’d pay for your overpriced librams on the AH.

Why? Context of this post is about them giving a way to reduce the cost of Libram of Resilience. You know in the base game this libram was worth practically nothing right? They over inflated the price of an item and now are giving more supply to reduce that.

Oh no the sky is falling! There is actual trash that SoD does but this is not it.

still 80g+ on Crusader Strike

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I do not think this is quite as deserving of empathy as you seem to think it is.