<Liberty and Allegiance> Cutting Edge, Multi-Team Guild, Recruiting!

New Season!!! we want Fresh me… faces! yeah we want some fresh faces ready to raid and enjoy Bun puns.

I would like to reiterate “We have dank memes and lightsabesr”. If you like one or both, check check check us out. That’s what it’s all about.

Also, Sound is STILL no longer the guild’s default Retadin. That title belongs to me, PallyHo, of the X-team. I ret so hard that other people are like “Daaaaayum, girl! That’s some holy-pew-pew’ing!!!” That used to be Sound, but no longer. I holy-pew-pew harder than he. Dawg and Sound keeping silent on this matter means consent. There’s no other rational way to interpret their silence.

Something something, bump the post.

It is I, PallyHo, again. Not only am I more retadin than Sound, but I am also more Shadowy than Buns. It’s a tough line to walk, but I do so with the style and grace of a famished runway model just trying to get off-stage before they collapse of malnutrition.

Pallyho, of the X-team, here again with another story about how Sound is no longer the default Retadin of Libertato und Alliegencay. I was talking a summer walk around the neighborhood when I was approached by a Girl Scout. That Girl Scout asked me if I wanted to buy some Girl Scout cookies. So I said “How much are they?” Then she said “bout’ tree fidddy”
It was about that time I realized that Girl Scout was really a crustacian from the mezazoic era. THE. LOCK. NESS. MONSTA! And I said “Hey! I ain’t givin’ you no tree fiddy!!!”
Then the Lockness Monsta said “Well, how about just two fiddy?”
So I said “What is this??? A sale on Lockness munchies or something?”

Sound was standing there watching the whole thing. If he were truly a paladin, he would have popped wings and slayed that Lockness Scout. But he didn’t. Ergo, he’s no longer the guild’s defacto Paladin (A.K.A. Lockness monsta slayer)

Bump for a great guild with multiple great teams, and lots of awesome people!