[A][US] Proudmoore- 4/8M Nerub’Ar, 8/9M Amirdrassil, 8/9M Abberus / 8/8M CE VOTI Recruiting!
We’re an established guild of chill adults who have been raiding together since HFC. We have a CE team, a mythic team, and a heroic team. We’re always looking for great players to add to our roster. We have a great community of raiders, social, and mythic + players, with 15-40 people on most days all day!
Knights Templar (KT) Team:
Raid Times: Friday 7-10pm PST (Monday as optional additional progression night)
Progression: 4/8M + 8/8H Nerub’ar Palance
Current Needs: Holy Priest, Disc Priest, Holy Paladin, Monk (Misweaver and Windwalker), Rogue, all Exceptional DPS/Healers.
X Team: (Heroic Team)
Will consider any exceptional applicants for all teams
What we expect from you:
- You must come to the raid prepared to kill the boss with enough knowledge of the fight that you should be able to raid-lead it.
- You must have a working mic and be able to talk on discord.
- You must transfer to Proudmoore to be on the team.
How to apply:
Go to our discord’s welcome channel, and react to the messages.
Once you react to the welcome channel you will be given permissions to see the applicants channel. Type !apply to be brought to a short google sheet.
Contact us @Discord: (contact us to submit an application)
KT Team Contacts: @valdermort, @Krinu, @Soundscape
X Team Contacts: @Alcar, @Anekaa
Ohai, frens. L&A is great place to call home. Mention this post and get your first raid trial ABSOLUTELY FREE!!!
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Liberty and Allegiance has one of the sickest dank memes channels in all of discord. It’s also a cool place to raid. Alcar LOVES it when you ping him in the middle of the night to ask what he’s thinking.
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Fckahjun here. (Ignore my ign, I regret about this ign)
I’m 1 and half month baby at Liberty & Allegiance currently at T team. Love the competitive environment where we have fun, however we as a family get very serious whenever we are doing raiding objective.
First impression
I played a lot of different games but never heard of Interview for a in game Guild. Im so nervous but somehow I pass
My first raiding was like doing badly and I got called out in middle of Heroic Sarkareth fight on wrong mechanics. My family do teach me and successfully clear after 7attempts.
I improved a lot thanks to their guidance. Highly recommend to Join us and have serious fun!!
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Come raid with us, got anymore of them ranged dps?
T Team still recruiting here! Needs a few more DPS and one Hybrid healer who can also DPS on occasion!
You know, in these times of long drought between content and recruitment slowing down, I’m reminded of what my father used to say to me at times like these. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN THE BATHROOM DAY AND NIGHT! WHY DON’T YOU GET OUTTA THERE, GIVE SOMEONE ELSE A CHANCE.” Good times…
Always looking for raiders, give us a look, join our discord
Need more Aussie accents pls
G’day! Crikey still no firm date for 10.2 and we are just a month and change out from Blizzcon! This time before release dates are announced is the absolute best time to be applying to guilds. Get in before the rush of people looking to fill limited raid slots!
K Team and Templar are still on the lookout for more peeps!
Bump for the best guild I’ve ever been in.