LGBTQIA+ Megathread Discussion Lounge (Continued)

I am being lazy about likes tonight.

How many likes do you get on the forums?

): I have no idea but not enough, I know each tier has an increased set of likes though and I didn’t hit the cap much at TL3 (which I had until I server transferred) also I didn’t want to post on a lvl 10 on my old server that just wasn’t my vibe

I’ve given 9.5k sooo I am hoping it’s not 10k lol I do have plenty of alts, but I like posting on this toon.

Oh no it’s a daily limit! So the limit resets daily idk

Can’t like anyones posts for now

Huh, okay well that’s a relief haha

I really wouldn’t be surprised if blizz added a lifetime like cap.

Hi there, I like being straight! Good luck with the thread!

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I have been using GSI recently (Gender and sexuality inclusive)

Really? Dang. That sucks. :frowning:

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Coming here to hang out with all the cool kids.

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We had the other for quite some time so pretty sure will with new too :slight_smile:

The other thread was closed wtf. Never thought that would happen. Glad to see another one around though.

it past 20K post thats why

Anyone have any plans for pride month? I’m looking forward to visiting old friends out of state next week. :dracthyr_comfy_blue:

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Fiance’s brother and his husband are going to be getting married this month. I’ll go to that if they’ll have us. :slight_smile: I’m not sure if they are keeping the wedding small or having a larger wedding.

I’ll send them a small wedding gift regardless :slight_smile:

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anyone else think it’d be funny (or at least mildly amusing) if there was an achievement for completing every questline in the dragon isles involving a gay NPC couple?

maybe call it something silly like “The Other Chromatic Dragonflight” or “It’s Always June in the Dragon Isles”

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