LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

sure please do

I make the transmog here. I’m the transmogifier!

I see it sometimes. Like right now. :slight_smile:

oh ya do you got proof?

“I see it all the time. If you were a regular here, on the GD Forums, you would have seen it too.”



See this is how everyone knows you are trolling, I mean seriously the amount of stuff talk about straight wise on the forums is borderline creepy, the straight threads are a prime example and between that and the LGBTQ+ hate in them it’s why they always get deleted.

Further than that you are here as a so called straight trying to hate and to bring straightness into an LGBTQ+ thread because you are bothered by others existing.

Anyone remember the last I ship this character with that character thread name so I can link it for this Paladin potato?

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that’s not talking about sexuality that’s a wedding XD

yah, i saw a paladin come into an LGBTQ+ megathread to complain about lack of str7 representation

Never mind the panda has it covered.

yet nobody has linked any “straight stuff” haha

The brainrot is real…

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nope but good try XD

typical though no facts just hate XD form the community that screams “inclusivity”

Well she is blinded by some sort of light. Probably her LED screen.

Idk about the community but I’m definitely not inclusive. Especially not to trolls. I stan bullying and it works.

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still haven’t seen any “evidence” XD

“Conversing about a wedding, between a male and female IS straight talk. What else do you wish to discuss?”


You didn’t ask for sexuality you asked for straight stuff.