LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

This song gets stuck in my head more often than I want to admit to.


Oh that one made me sob. My kid was so mad, they were like “why’d it have to be this sad?!”


Was going to post this one!

Another oldy but a goody:

Helping me explore infinity as a little thing:

Another nostalgic hit

Man, I am so happy to have been exposed to some of that awesome, vibrant music as a kid.


My grade school choir teacher insisted on doing a class concert of this song and many others from The Muppet Movie that year.

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I read goody as goofy, and a goofy movie was so good. Some of the best songs.

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This was one of my favorites from a goofy movie.

Also after today!


For those interested Dragula_uwu is my discord in case anyone wants to add me or message me.

Send a friend request first.


Can’t ever forget this:

Oh, and I want to mention this Colors of the Wind. It’s not necessarily a favorite of mine, but it is special to me because a friend of mine used to sing it all of the time in jr high and through the years, and she’s gone for a few years now. Not too long ago—her birthday was a bit over a month ago; probably was then— her sister posted an old vhs recording of her singing it back in the 90s at a fair, and it broke me for a bit.


I would probably remove that with posts being reposted to Twitter. Otherwise, god speed gentle soul.

Always loved the owl in that movie. I was too scared to watch it as a kid. Land Before Time is still my fav Don Bluth movie. But Rock A Doodle is still fun too. Although I know that’s not a big fav for folks.

Also still loved Don’s work with Fox and the Hound when I got older. Just because when I was older I could tell he was in charge of animating Widow Tweed


And then for trippy I think unfinished projects


Omg the last unicorn! I wonder if that is streaming anywhere!

I didn’t watch Pocahontas much, but i do love that song. I’m so sorry about the loss of your friend :purple_heart:


I still remember kid me only paying attention to the raccoon in Pocahontas lol

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Ohhh rock a doodle, blast from the past! My youngest sibling was legit obsessed with that one!


I remember playing a Pocahontas game on the gameboy when I was a kid. Sis was using that hair to get around places and I was like queen.

I think it was this:

Discord is kind of private since it’s not technically public like Twitter or WoW forums. (not saying WoW forums or Twitter isn’t public, it’s just Discord is in this werid gray zone)

In order words, i won’t repost their discord name and will respect them wanting actual privacy. And will consider it actually private. :raised_hand:

I love that Discord just saying, lots of absolutely wonderful people are in it. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


That was a bit after “my time.” Born in ‘83, these were my jams:

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I was born in 84, but watched cartoons forever :rofl:

I want to be an animator though.

The brave little toaster gave my youngest sibling nightmares.