LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Even if there was 100% proof of a perfect paradise after-life our anxiety would find something else to latch onto.


It just blows being terrified of death so much that it kinda just keeps me from living. As corny as that sounds.

Didn’t help that my usual anxiety kinda mutated when I developed agoraphobia from a near death experience. So now I’m just bouncing around like a game of pin ball between symptoms. ( BPD being when you get a bunch of extra balls in the pinball game for some bonus points )


I 100% understand. It’s why it’s so irrational. Death isn’t something that can be controlled or stopped. At best delayed. Everything dies. Event he sun, even the universe. But none of that matters. It’s far away. Life is right here, right now.


Least our new pupper is helping. Going outside is at least tolerable if she’s around. I’d take her out on walks more but its arizona. Its hot lol.

Its kinda cool being a anxious wreck and yet this doggo listens to me if I call her over or have to tell her to stop doing something.


I clocked one thing that i found majorly egregious from that person but like i just refuse to beef w a flop the second hand embarrassment i get / feel bad for even having them on my tl for MY moots like i try to not have too much non sense on the tl and when i do it’s like important / curated.


I don’t know slang enough cuz I genuinely have no idea what you just said

I don’t know how y’all keep up, I’m giving it a good try and lost but anyway… I want creamsavers candy, I miss my N64 but I get to repair ones for friends a lot.

I feel like, if I had the time, money and lacked my typical boat load of anxiety in social situations, I would hand out cake at Pride xD That seems like the best Ace thing to do XD

ADHD… take me away again <3


Translation: I noticed one thing I found majorly shocking from that person. But I refuse to fight with a nobody. The embarrassment I get for having them on my twitter feed and my followers. I try to not have that nonsense on the timeline but when I do its gotta be important .


Thank you

I agree with that sentiment, plus the fact I don’t tweet, I just follow artists

Cake is always nice.

understanding Ace nod

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I moved to Bluesky with my art, then realized how awful networking is and kind of just decided that… if people find me, they find me xD

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I just chill in my nest over on Tumblr.

Its MY nest of garbage dangit lol

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I guess my approach would be “bring on the nothing”

If I am experiencing nothing, it stands to reason that I can experience, which requires some level of sentience. Presumably the same sentience as I have now, which would be awesome because I can think about eating Cheetos and remember my favorite songs. If I’m not experiencing it, then there is also no problem.

Also I’m just so tired of life and stuff in general which is my real reason

As a real human and totally not three possums in a trench coat. You cherish that garbage. <3


I can’t… I’d need to job this thread all by itself… so I just pop in sometimes to give out hearts and occasionally remind people they are awesome.


He did make good points and was friendly when it was on topics of common ground, such as the BattleTag threads, but over the past few months, he decided to switch around to using twitter to attack the LGBTQIA+ community while claiming to be an ally of the LGBTQIA+ community, even acting like he speaks on behalf of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Now, if everyone will excuse me, I gotta work out the maths of how it is Oceanic players that are selfish for connecting up with NA players in this other thread.

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Well then, it logically reasons that someone should tell you you’re amazing and awesome yourself <3


the gem dialogue of “You don’t get to say no” regarding him being an Ally.

So ya know. We’re dealing with one of those.


All he needs to do is just stay in his own lane. Let you guys accept him as an ally. If he did that, then he wouldn’t be in this drama.

Also, should I wave to his twitter feed of nobody reading?