LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Something I found funny

Context: I got a cousin that is practically my bro at this point. We click but for private reasons I kept him at a distance for awhile. Trying to mend that.

Found out he played Diablo 4 as well so I asked him what he played. He said Sorceress.

Me as a Necro and we both ended up picking the flashiest classes lol. Some things don’t change

Also funny if he used the female word for Sorcerer. Then he’s a cis guy playing a girl. Meanwhile I’m a transguy playing a dude. I just thought that was cute.

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Oof not when I just uninstalled :sob:

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What ya do that for? /bonk

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They don’t seem to do a good job of announcing it on the forums. I remember last year a random person made a thread about it, lol.

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Haven’t been playing much and I’m on RS3/SWTOR atm. I still got one more month of game time left though, but I’m so bored with WoW rn :sob:

Ya I noticed that. I saw it from wowhead last year if memory serves me right.

I feel ya. I got tied up with Jurassic park and animal crossing lol


I tend to shift between WoW and SWTOR as my whim takes me. I’m probably going to jump back in soon; I think there’s a good bit of new content I haven’t tried. My last stint I was part of a really fun small-ish RP guild that had a great campaign going that I was only able to participate in for a little while before work got so busy I couldn’t keep up. Would you mind if I hit you up if/when I dive back in? I’d love try some group-based end content.

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Hey guys, I’ve been in the same guild for 6 years now. And I had a discussion with a few guildies who believe in the typical shenanigans that american biggots spew (gay people being groomers and stuff. Trans people being gross and trying to mutilate children etc .)

Followed with my asking them to provide examples justifying their beliefs, which was ofc just met with baseless emotional trigger responses without any justification.

Anywho, the reason I’m posting this here is that while I know many of my guildies support me (received discord messages and whispers agreeing with me), it just makes me uncomfortable being around these people knowing they hate me so much because of who I am. And both my guild leaders are amazing people.

What would you do in my shoes?

(Will probably delete this to not risk being harassed ingame so no direct quotes preferably)


Honestly, I would build my own guild that doesn’t tolerate that in game or in discord.

Running your own and setting up those “rules” in place like for example what I did with mine which is a zero tolerance for anti lgbtq behavior,racisim ect, to where if seen in guild chat or discord will be automaticially removed by me or one of my assistants no questions asked no quarter given.

A guild should first a foremost be home to everyone, and I mean everyone.

If you don’t feel comfortable or safe then than that is my reccomendation and or including finding a guild that won’t tolerate that kind of behavoir.

I may not have alot of members, it’s mostly alts and a few friends and if that’s how it has to be to ensure people feel safe in my guild then that’s what I do.

With that in place, we are almost a guild that’s been going for almost 4 years strong.

Are your guild leaders actually amazing people if they allow such disgusting bigotry in the guild? I would probably leave tbh.

I’m not a guild person, so I don’t know the dynamics of a guild, finding a good one, whatever, but it’s something to think about. Why do they allow that kind of stuff at all?


First sit down with your GM and those that support you and explain how you feel.

If it isn’t resolved etc I would then leave the guild and stay friends with those you hold close still. You don’t need that kind of noise.

You can also report their comments to whatever platform they said them in.


I’d probably leave honestly bcz I would question why bigotry like that was allowed to exist in that space.

And just keep in touch w the people who are supportive, but tbh I also expect my friends to be loud in their support if the disrespect is loud, like support privately is nice but if they didn’t say anything publicly when it happened publicly I would ask them about that, but idk the details of all that, wishing you the best though.


Leave the Guild and find a better one.


They are amazing but yeah I’ve definitely questionned the fact that my guild is an enabler guild.

We have the “no politics” rule for a good reason.
However I don’t consider my existence to be a political opinion even though some of my guildies do.

And I know some of you are asking me to bring it up to my guild leaders (who are aware, and are on my side) but I’m afraid to on the offchance that they tell me that they don’t want to do anything about it and that I just have to respect others biggotted opinions cuz “free speech” and stuff.
And that would definitely break my heart.

A guildie even whispered me today saying he agreed with everything I was saying, but didn’t wish to ruin any friendships he had with said biggots, because were just a bunch of people who share the same love for wow and raiding.

If I were in charge I’d just say they’re not getting any loot for a month.

Let em learn.

To be honest, it sounds to me like you know exactly what you should do. You just don’t want to “rock the boat,” as it were. These people don’t respect you, and they definitely don’t sound like friends. There are guilds out there that will value you, respect who you are, and still have fun.


Based on what you’re saying I would def leave. People with bigoted beliefs shouldn’t be protected. If they were saying racist stuff would they still be allowed to stay and spew their crap? Also, I wouldn’t be able to handle playing with someone who sees me as subhuman or unworthy of rights.

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Dunno if you’re gonna drop, but if you still want to stick with the guild a few things to think about.

First, use the ‘no politics’ to your advantage, they’re spewing a bunch of political nonsense about people they don’t want to understand, see if that would be enforced.

If it is just a small problem group in the guild and you’ve had people supporting you, there is a chance there’s more people who don’t enjoy their antics but don’t want to rock the boat, or don’t want to say anything if they think they’d be alone in it. You might find if you talk to people there’s more support, or at least more opposition to them than you might think.

Not gonna suggest if you want to leave that you don’t do that, just some thoughts if you do want to try sticking it out. and best of luck with the situation.


I’d just leave and find people who actually accept me. Life is too short to be around people who merely tolerate you.


My opinion aligns with most of the other replies to you already because honestly you shouldn’t have to put up with people that mistreat you, when you can ditch that and them and spend time with better people that appreciate you and treat you right.