LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 2)

Time zones are weird. We should just have one clock split where the days currently split and I’ll get used to lunch at 8pm. Noon doesn’t fall in exactly the middle of the day anyway. Noon is just a stinky little scam that forces us to acknowledge the midpoint between the day passed and the day left.

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I know China does this, where all of China is the same time as Beijing. Though doesn’t really work when it confuses people who live thousands of kilometers away from Beijing to the west.

Go China! Love that, they are ahead of the game. I don’t think it’s that confusing, if anything time zones are more confusing. I mean what makes more sense to explain to a kid, “nana goes to bed at 19” vs “nana lives in another state so for her, she goes to bed at 9pm, but for us that’s 5pm. Except when we’re visiting your auntie, then it’s 7pm because she lives between us and grandma”

Because of the current day split, it also wouldn’t be any more confusing than it is now (for people who live near +12/-12) and much easier for everyone else.

I am a gnome FOR the worldwide clock! :two_hearts:

before or after the clocks malfunction an we end up time traveling because how weird gnome tech is?

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My biggest issue is deciding I want to look up something on the internet, launching my home page, getting distracted by a news article, then utterly forgetting what I was originally going to look for.



Oh I turn all the news stuff off if I can.

Too much stuff!

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Well good news finally.

I have been waiting almost a year now since moving to get back to seeing a endo out here and tommorow morning is finally the day.

At last I can get back on track with my hrt properly!!


Awesome! :slight_smile:

Hopefully all that gets back on track with that news. :smiley:


From convo on phone with Dr today I’m thinking it will.

It’s just going to be weird seeing a new one.


Hello good people. I am a straight cisgender and was just wondering if I could take part in this awesome thread?

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Unoriginal comment aside

Its fine whatever just don’t start crap


Okay, awesome. I’m sorry if my comment came off as offensive. I genuinely just want people to talk to. Just returned this season and don’t really talk to many people.

Apologies then. Had bad eggs do that “I am a cisgender straight” thing before to be annoying.

Look I’m aware I always act like a guard dog for this thread. Can’t help it lol


No worries! I completely understand. Some folks can be very negative and I do my best to stay away from that stuff.

And we love you for it honestly. :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart:


There’s a lot of negativity everywhere you turn.

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You said it. I’ve had to cut off friends and family because of it. This game has always been a release for me and during BFA an old friend of mine convinced me to delete my account. One of the dumbest things I have ever done.

Oh, no! I’m sorry to hear that. Welcome back to the game. How long have you been back?

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I started again in November I think? I subbed and then they had the preorder TWW and get DF free promo going on.

That’s cool. What all do you enjoy doing in the game?

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