You have taste. We are best friends now and I won’t brook no for an answer.
Green Chile Asiago for sure. But really, I love all bagels.
Oh so true. To be honest I cannot see anyone else but David in that spot. Its so sad the movie originally was a box office bomb. :c
Think ive seen it so many times I know it by heart xD
" Give me the child…through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, i have fought my way here to the castle beyond the goblin city, to take back the child that you have stolen"
I’m straight and conservative and even I have to say . Get a life
They made a thread so they could talk to each other and to those that are not , that are willing to treat them like any other human .
You have no power over me!
Just existing is not worthy of respect??? Dear Christ I hope I never meet someone as disturbing as you.
Stay away from infants, stay away from children, stay from animals, just stay from everyone.
- Outdoors
Excuse me?
Are you trying to say something?
Ahhhh… so because you disagree with my opinion you make some leap of logical stupidity that I am… what exactly?
Simple answer: No. Long answer: flagged.
I just love all of the attitude behind it and it has served me well here on the forums.
Brewfest was actually fun. I miss it
I’d like to see them update and add more content to the 12 major holidays events.
I used to look forward to them… now, after doing everything, I don’t really look forward to them and rarely log in just to participate in them since even the rewards for them fall short.
I did want to share this. I have recently found a way to take something that I like that can be thought of as a kink, size changing, and turn it into a positive.
I am using size changing as a way to talk abut these subjects so I can get people to think about these experiences without saying “Hey, you are reading a book that is talking about someone who is dealing with talking about transition, people mistreating those who are different, trying to accept yourself for who you are and other themes.” I am writing an entire epic fantasy world around this.
I am going to be starting on the first chapter sometime this month and I am just really excited to dive into this novel world.
Just remember, people who use that phrase could have chosen literally any other sequence of words to say, but their minds settled on those exact words in that exact order.
I choose to believe it is their subconscious trying to voice its deepest fantasies.
That’s always wonderful!
I know many people who use such stories like that.
I think that’s an amazing and wondrous way to let people see a glimpse of that.
So, I’m several conversation late in posting my opinion on this. But it is something I feel strongly about so I’m just going to post my opinion anyway.
Sushi is the most disgusting food ever invented by man.
The only way I could eat Sushi would be if it was chocolate sushi and by that I mean entirely made out of chocolate so that it was actually just chocolate in the form of sushi.
I really don’t know how anyway can eat the stuff. Blech.
As a side note, Jammidodger on youtube posts some pretty cool stuff about trans things. I identify as CIS but very much a tomboy and not girlie at all. So perhaps bigender or gender fluid or something? Eh who knows. I refuse to be boxed in by labels!
Homophobes just can’t help themselves.
I wish I could level up faster in TBC Classic but my leveling partner can only handle short bursts of play and keeps wanting to take days off. At this rate I’m never going to make it to cap and am going to give up completely. It’s been 26 days we’ve been working on this and we’re only 35. Feels bad man.
It’s about the journey!