LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)

I don’t think anything was wrong with how it was set up before, and I think the only reason the change got made(along with a few other changes) was to try to repair their PR image after the lawsuits in any small way they could.

That said, it’s not really worth getting upset about either way imo.

If this is a megathread then should be able to handle multiple points of view imo.

Until the woke mob comes in and destroys your community (within 2 years) and you move because of it, you can’t understand how I feel.
This was in the PNW part of the country, lots of LGBT which was great… but starting in I’d say 2020 things got extreme very fast and everyone shut down, ignoring differing view and raging/outbursts, antifa and white nationalists came to downtown to trash it - now everything is political.

no thank you


^my point exactly

Not really but whatever helps you sleep at night


Keep believing that woke-ism is pro LGBT… the people that cant leave are suffering because of it, I sleep much better than i used to now that I moved. :grin:

Uh huh thats whatever you’re talking about for you


Things shouldn’t even be made political in the first place. But it is the age that we all live in. But the thing is, the politics should be kept out.


Honestly I’m not too sure about the political intricacies in the US, but I’d say the fundamental problem is that people tend to focus on 1 or 2 things that divide them and then forget about the 5 or 6 things connects them.

But for the sake of keeping things grounded here, I think a lot of us in this thread are just tired of these things.


true cant rip one in public
without politics being brought up

But that is the thing? What does politics have to do with everything? What does politics have to do with the LGBTQ community for a prime example?

oh boy here we go


You’ll have to ask the ragers why they think the lgtbq+ community is inherently political

But straight people aren’t


For starters, when politicians begin building policies around them (good or bad).

Sorry Rose, not trying to bring it into the thread. Forgive me.

In terms of gaming, not really much from what I can tell.

Some people just go “Why you gotta bring politics into this!” whenever a LGBT character simply exists in a game. People then go on about “remember when games weren’t political?”(bonus points if they think games like Bioshock or Metal Gear Solid are classics).

It basically boils down to “don’t put things in games I don’t want to see” from people who just don’t want to see LGBT stuff ever.


Yeah, I agree :100:

Those are my favorite people

Raging about politics in video games as they have snake as their avatar

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well it can go both ways but we just need to respect each other as gamers geeks and nerds

