LGBTQ+ Megathread & Lounge (Part 1)


I used a hysterectomy control endometriosis. Given what’s been going on in the world I strongly recommend it. It could save your life.

The lifetime appointments to the court is problematic.

The electoral college is flawed. Most of how we got into this mess is from two people who lost the popular vote but still got the electoral college. It’s tyranny by the minority.

I think all of the ones who said they wouldn’t touch it when they were confirmed by congress should be stripped of their positions for lying under oath.


I am really scared for the future now. I don’t really want to talk about it more on a public fourm but I am not going to feel very safe going foward in the next few years.


I’ve thought about it if I have more complications. But I’m now 42, so I’m getting at that age where it’s getting close to menopause. I’m also not in one of these states that are making things illegal as a result of this ruling. So right now, I have that on my side.

Haters said I was wrong and/or trolling and/or alarmist when I said the leaked decision overturning Roe v. Wade had implications for gay marriage and also protections against state laws banning gay sex (i.e., what are often called “sodomy laws,” although I think sodomy is an icky word mainly used by Bible thumpers), and then the Supreme Court came out and said it!


People trust you about as far as they can throw you because you condone and outright support the anti-lgbt T trolls. What kind of response do you expect?


It’s written into the rules that people be LGBT friendly now since the social contract right?

Friendly? No. Non-aggressive I think would be a far better term for it
 people still are openly hateful among themselves and people who are like-minded.

I am curious about something if anyone is interested and willing to help me understand something?

I believe LGBT also includes BIPOC now? So if I have hispanic ancestry, I am part of that, and there for part of the expanded LGBT community? Is this correct or have I misunderstood?

No, they’re different things.

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they’re different things. you can be BIPOC (black, indigenous, person of color) without being LGBT and vice versa, or you can be both


yea it’s a scary time.

for anyone protesting or thinking about protesting please be careful, in 2020 people were being black bagged. and with new SCOTUS rulings they don’t need to read your rights and you may not be able to sue feds if they harm you or a family member.

After recent news, yeah, I feel the same way.
It’s honestly a very scary time. I won’t be shocked if we are suddenly going back to segregation.
What a time to be alive. Just try and stay safe y’all.

Edit; Also if you do protest, careful, in Iowa it’s legal to run you over if you’re protester.
I wish I was joking.


I hope everyone has been doing well



How about not standing in the middle of the roads and blocking innocent bystanders who are just trying to get back and forth to work to maybe feed their families?

It goes both ways. Don’t stand In roads.


Roads aren’t for standing and protesting in. People have places to be.


You need a permit to protest and it should be on public land not interfering with other people’s daily lives whom are not involved.

Blocking roads is only going to put people against you and your cause. Treat people with respect and stay out of their way. You have a right to protest and they have the right to live without buttheads blocking roads causing delays to places they NEED to be.


Remind me which one is protected in the first amendment, driving or protesting?

Protests arent meant to be convenient for you.


Ok so you don’t care about the innocents who want nothing to do with any of this. You just care about yourself and yourself only.


And sickening.

Nothing like promoting ignorance.

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