Oh goodie. You’re still talking about this in multiple threads.
Gimme a break
Oh goodie. You’re still talking about this in multiple threads.
Gimme a break
Posing a general question to gauge the zeitgeist of the LGBTQ+ community, not assuming one reply represents an entire demographic. I’m really sorry if that’s how it came across.
Ah, I’m sorry for inconveniencing you regarding someone torturing children. You won’t have to put up with it after midnight.
Saw him live once. Was pretty fun. Judas Priest was the next day at the same venue and that was also fun
I forgot to mention fun fact. Rob Halford lives here in arizona.
Alice Cooper too.
He sang a lot of songs I didn’t know but I still had a good time.
I’ve got Ativan but they told me only to use it for panic attacks, which have thankfully been rare lately.
“You mean Vince Furnier. I met him after a concert one time, and got invited back stage to party for a while.”
Yeah that medicine kicked my panic attacks to the curb.
I know he’s Vince but I still like calling him Alice Cooper as a respect thing ya know?
“You should look up where they got the name. It’s a very interesting story.”
I vaguely recall soooooooome lore. Ugh I’m rusty in some metal trivia lol
It was a band name before yeah?
edit aaaaaaaaye I was right
“No. His first Band was called The Earwigs. The name Alice Cooper came from a Ouiji Board, or so said Vincent.”
Oh I was going by what the wikipedia article said. I trust you though
“I’ll tell you a story. It’s a bit long, so bare with me.”
“I was standing by a Security Rope, after the concert, trying to see if I could get his Autograph. He comes out a door, and is headed across the truck ramp, towards an outer door. I hollered to him, ‘Hey Vince!’. He stopped dead in his tracks and walked straight to me. He ask me where I got that name, I replied by holding out a book titled,‘The Unofficial Autobiography Of Alice Cooper’. He asked if I had read it, and I said yes. He then asked me four questions…”
Him: “What is my real Name?”
Me: “Vince Furnier.”
Him: “Where did the name Alice Cooper come from?”
Me: “A Ouija Board.”
Him: “What was the name of my First Band?”
Me: “The Earwigs.”
Him: “Last Question… What was the name of my First Snake?”
Me: “Alice.”
Him: “Damn, you really DID read it. I thought no one ever had. Want to come meet the gang?”
“I got to party, and he autographed the book for me. It was a wonderful night.”
Daww he’s so nice.
Then again most metal heads are total sweeties. Reminds me when Rammstein was doing a autograph session and a kid was crying. It was a good “i’m not sad just overwhelmed” cry so one of the guitarists reaches over and helps get some tears off their face.
“He told me to my face. I didn’t get it from some TV Interview, or other source. I got it from the Horse’s Mouth, and I believe him.”
“They were trying to contact Lizzie on a Ouija Board, they got an old ancient witch instead. They asked her her name, and she said Alice Cooper. Since it fit what they were looking for, they used it.”
Deflection seems to be your best defense when you have nothing of value to say that holds any merit.