So far not that happy myself… Just feels like a thousand more chores.
I do like getting rid of the Maw issues though.
So far not that happy myself… Just feels like a thousand more chores.
I do like getting rid of the Maw issues though.
My job is a mystery. An utter mystery.
It was. That was actually the word I used when getting inked.
I picked a wonky time to get back into WoW lol. Most of the start of this patch was me playing while going thru brain fog. It’s mostly clear now.
The story bits were mega brief and that irritated me a little. We’re told of these sigils and before we can even begin to care we lose another one. Same for that Fate Scribe guy in Korthia who ends up a raid boss. Ah well.
I just work with the bits of the lore I do like and stitch them together into something in my head.
Kinda wonder what they were doing all that time during the content drought…
Everything feels so minor to me. (story wise)
Nice. My druid will be all decked out…for when he goes gathering. I actually really enjoy gathering and am looking forward to relaxing and gathering some herbs and such.
I never did get him a Legendary so Ive been doing some torghast on him and plan to bring my Mage up eventually…Just Torghast on a Rogue kinda suuuuccccklkkkkkssss. Like. The powers are so bad I just go generic builds because they are so bad LOL
The Maw stuff being gone is awesome. Like. Being in the zone is a lot better.
IDK I am in a weird space where Im like “I know im not doing everything” but I also am just kinda refusing to go do guides. Im going to discover what I can until Im forced to do more for raid. I think Guides tend to suck a lot out because its like just a checklist of chores to me then
I get that. I normally stay away from guides for a bit…
So far my left shoulder blade was the wooooooooorst. But I was getting a very detailed Xenomorph piece there. That jerk tattoo bit back so much I named the tattoo like I gave birth. His name is Leon
Clearly not enough if they resorted to brute forcing the plot to happen with this update. Meh.
Well I am glad it is clearing.
I feel like they are trying to hurry things along because they know this probably has to last them and they need to wrap up the expac in their normal time frame to get to the next one. Like, not the Devs, but there’s pressure from the top for that kinda thing you know? So everything has to come to a head and all these stories need to come together. Im sure more will continue to be revealed over the next few weeks and I just hope its as well done as can be.
I don’t play go much but I wouldn’t mind more frands.
I’m more of an Ingress boy.
I really hate that “gotta rush this expansion out” mentality. That just leads to crunch and I can’t recall anytime where crunch ever actually lead to anything good with video games
This year has been weird - I haven’t played as much as I normally do. (I fall off in winters usually)
Ill send info on Discord tho for funsies
Yeah - Like. I’d want it to play out naturally. Last patches already have a nasty habit of going long and with 9.0 going a while…IDK this is going to be an interesting expac over all…
Here’s hoping there’s some tasty lore to chew on behind all these stupid time gates.
I mean I’m happy there was a cute “Hold on tight” moment with Draven in the Venthyr maw invasion. Since I ship them and Rosenivy for funsies.
Theres at least one more cinematic? Time will tell…
I mean if you’re not in love with General Draven IDK what wow you’re playing.
Our guild’s non-binary raid lead and our gendeefluid co-leader like him a lot. Discussions about his thighs happened in the Castle Nathria raid a lot.
Our guild is full of LGBTQIA, disabled folks, folks who like the herb, and just some good natured nerds.
It’s over my shoulderblade but it’s also just super detailed.
Omg the lineart SUCKED to get. Coloring the tattoo in hurts way less. Linearts gotta go DEEP so its just extra owey
The fact Matt Mercer is his voice is an added bonus. I tend to shrink Draven down a little tho in my head.
I would like a very artistically done very detailed tattoo of a phoenix that is basically a flying orange peacock with red, orange, gold train with green eyespots.
Ever seen one fly? It’s like epic bird Pokemon level awesome.
The deer dads are great.
>single gay character exists