I’m asking where the funny is
It’s only use is to troll, or be transphobic
How are people enjoying that?
I’m asking where the funny is
It’s only use is to troll, or be transphobic
How are people enjoying that?
Oh you sweet summer child. Gatekeeping is not rejecting hate groups trying to force their way under the umbrella.
Gatekeeping is the doctors refusing to sterilize me when I started asking at age 19.
Gatekeeping is me having to fight for five years to get a medically necessary hysterectomy (severe endometriosis) procedure despite being beyond child bearing age and having a lot answer questions like, “do you have your boyfriend’s permission.”
Gatekeeping is my old doctors jerking me around for six years before finally putting me on Testosterone.
Gatekeeping is my new doctors office (I moved) refusing to continue my HRT despite it being necessary for my bone health because they’re uNcOmFoRtAbLe.
and I’m asking the purpose of this question. Why do you want to understand something that you clearly don’t want to understand? Any answer I’d remotely give would go straight into the garbage.
You’re not asking a question, you’re making an objectification
You like making assumptions don’t you
I want the people who use it to explains why they enjoy either trolling a minority and/or being a horrible person
Where is their enjoyment?
Do it, spell the joke out for me
I think they enjoy punching down with their privilege.
How do people feel about me doing some amateur tarot readings for funsies?
It’s called a rhetorical question.
Can one do Tarot reading over the internet?
I’ve done them before, and over the phone.
And it never should be
Yeaaaaaaaah lets talk about something else. Please
Ya like jazz?
Only recent thing I liked was the song used in the intro for Beastars season 1
“Seen any good movies lately?”
Not recently but like I said. It takes a long freaking time for me to watch new things
Beastars was a close favorite of mine, I can’t wait for season 2.
I think my favorite part was Louis demanding to be bitten by one of his constituents. I am convinced that deer is bi
“We went to see F9 the other day. It was a blast.”
That was a weird show, but good
I just wanna get to the Melon arc. But that might take a couple seasons.
Louis is just carnivoresexual lol