LGBT Storylines in War Within?

Your not the forum police, and there is nothing you can do,.

You are also contributing to the problem picking fights with posters, derailing, and trolling yourself.

Thanks for showing the :clown_face: that you are.


Literally, tho

You both know theyā€™re just seeking attention. I mean, what is the magical word? ā€œDonā€™t feed the trollā€

No one has the attention span. When MMOs came out they were the new hot thing. It was mostly people in high school and college playing together and it was part of their social group.

Then along came Mark Zukerburg with Facebook and the new kids coming along found a whole different kind of MMO, one where their real life was the online video game. They drifted away from MMOs to Social Media.

And of course this is all the DEVs fault because of things they changed in the reward system of Raids in Cataclysm.

A few here are still actively kicking the nestā€¦
So, maybe he/she never left.

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But trolls get hungry and Iā€™m at a zoo

Thatā€™s 4 words

How can that possible be the magical word!

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I think itā€™s funny seeing someone complain instead of using the mute button.

Ban this troll already for the love of god


Feed 'em to the lions.

Sorry, phrase. It is like 4.21am here, I got my excuses.


Doesnā€™t matter if the currently do. It is the job of the PR department to make them want to.

ā€¦but that means the lions are hungry. And weā€™re not in Rome.

Why must you confuse me so

Pfff, time is a construct

Are you gunna let a construct dictate how awake you are


I do like how theyā€™re vacillating back and forth between accusing members of the community of hatingā€¦ themselves by lumping then in with actual anti lgtbq+ posters and yelling at them for posting pizza pictures because theyā€™re checks notes being intolerant towardsā€¦ themselves?



Just point 'em out, watch me chaos bolt them into oblivion.

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Well, when you put it that wayā€¦

ā€¦im still confused


Please, no irony is allowed here. You might hurt their feels.


againā€¦sonā€¦YOU ARENT THE FORUM COPS in here.
you have NO authority to VIOLATE that precious ā€˜trollingā€™ rule you all love to abuse so much in here against othersā€¦period.
NOTHING in the OP violated the rulesā€¦yet you all chose to and EXCUSE your foul, rule violating behavior in your trolling and derailingā€¦and now you try to defend it because you know you are guilty and feel need to exonerate yourselves, lmao

idk what that is Iā€™m at work and canā€™t watch D:

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