LGBT Storylines in War Within?

AGain…SHOW me the rules violation in THIS OP.
Again…you DONT get to have your 1600AD witch hunt today because someone said something a year ago you dont like.
frankly the mob mentaliy in this forum is DISGUSTING.

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I don’t care.
In fact I don’t care about any kind of relationships in wow. In fact I can’t think of any off the top of my head. Why would I care about lgbt relationships either.

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The story/writing of this game is so garbage I personally don’t bother reading the quests or watching the cutscenes so they can virtue signal all they want to whoever they want I won’t see it until people point it out and I get to laugh at it and the fake outrage about it.

it is a wonder to behold how bigoted the forums are

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I adore Chromie so much. And I always have. She’s an amazing character.


Did you leave your brain on your nightstand again hun. You’ve used that joke on me before at leaaaast, three more times now. :wink:


People are allowed to not want to see it.

Why does that bother you?


I wish she’d get her crap together. Timewalking is chaos at at times.

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literally hoping for a suspension at this rate so I have no reason to read this bigoted trash in here daily.

why does lgbtq+ bother them?

No, you’re just defending a known forum troll who pretends to be part of the LGBTQIA+ community, to troll the forums, to draw more hate towards the LGBTQIA+ community.


Why does someone not wanting to see something LGBT bother you?


There was no rules violation in the OP, I already said that.

The OP is reaping the rewards of a reputation they earned.

If someone took great pains to completely cheese me off a year ago, and has since made zero effort to redeem themselves, my opinion of them would not change.

THEY need to make the effort to change their reputation. The OP is simply another repeat of their past performance.


so people cant change?

im sure you changed when before you were anti-lgbtq+ in the 2000s and now you’re pro lgbtq+ in the 2020s

nooooo. Really? hahahaha.

I have zero memory. I forgot I posted this post and I’m still writing it. I must think it’s a funny joke! haha lol ol

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thats what the ignore is for…and you are responsible enough to use it or just scroll on down?
what youre doing isnt ‘not seeing it’…its more trying to silence the OP here whos thread some of us might have been interested in reading had you all not gone on a derailment campaign here.

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No, and you don’t want them to

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good lord, the extended temper tantrum being thrown in this thread over literally nothing.


They have done this as recently as 6 month ago, and have started all this years ago. They haven’t changed.


ill have to take ur word for it

still doesnt explain the hate toward lgbtq+ storylines in the replies