LGBT Storylines in War Within?

Love is like an axe in the mouth, you have to do it with the greatest possible tenderness and respect for the other person!

im acutally proud of this community that acutally come here and try to derail this stuff bc it’s always a bait fest. just a lot of a fish to catch since talon hasn’t been around for a bit lol. good job either way team


They burnt them next to a side of beef? :meat_on_bone:


I need to Fus Ro Dah some people in pvp soon.

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Yeah, some of those pizzas were way over the top.


Did someone say pizza?


Google Photos

And alcohol on the side xD

Morning all I’m awake again.


Google Photos

Yeah the case of beer and the tire confuse the hell outta me… Brazilian pizza is a mystery.


I read a terrible story. just terrible.

It’s about a TWW couple (same sex) and they can’t get along. Like at all. It’s heart wrenching. They bicker non stop and it’s up to you to help them. you see, they are fighting over their careers. One person in this couple is a clown. A literal clown, does rodeos, kids parties, balloon animals, all the stuff. The other is a magician. Card tricks, escapism, all the stuff.

They are in a constant battle of who has the least professional job. They both have a ‘uniform’ of sorts they wear while working. Both bring joy and entertainment to the people they work with. Sure, one does magic, but the other does balloon animals and if you can’t do balloon animals yourself, it kinda feels a little magic-ish.

And that, is where it all goes down hill. “How dare you compare your squeaky static charged balloon animals to my amazing slight of hand?”

“Squeaky? SQUEAKY?! You know I hate that word because of my voice!”

“This has nothing to do with your voice, oh, here we go! it’s now all about you.”

“It’s all about me? Because you cnstantly say, it’s all about me! The truth is you defect it all so you never need to even look at yourself to see what could use improvement.”

“ohhhh So I need improving, I’m not good enough for you as is? Funny, when I was making all the money while you were in clown school, I didn’t need a lot of improvement then!”

You know, regular, old fashioned couple crap. doesn’t seem so different does it?

Also, if you assumed these two fictional characters were male, your sexist. They are not.

Danuser is gone, OP so i wouldnt hold my breath :smiley: Might have to find a different game. We going back to war, son

Kefka laughs and wiggles toes


Anyone for coffee pizza this morning? It’s Italian.

Have a donut pizza to go with that


If that is a mini pizza shaped like a donut, yum. If that is a donut with pizza toppings, yuck!


With cheese inside it looks like it, agreed yuk!

Would have been better as a pizza bagel.


I could go for a donut or an everything bagel.

wiggles toes


I was doing improve just before the pandemic and one of the people in my class brought in a pizza bagel he made. It was massive. and delicious. and now I would also like an everything bagel.


With garden style cream cheese!

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I agree with you on this, enough with this lovey dovey stuff more body counts and explody murder.

We are wondering hero murder hobos we don’t have time for romance or love. We dedicate our lives to killing for payment, sleeping outside, eating what nature offers and bathing in the lakes, ponds and rivers.

The world is our toilet.


Here’s your LGBTQ storyline for War Within:

Some of the people saving the world are gay and trans, because sometimes people are gay and trans. It might come up if it’s important or you ask. But right now we’re focused on killing the big evil Old God trying to destroy the world.


Isn’t it the world is our oyster? Lol
wiggles toes

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