LGBT+ in-game community

I don’t think segregation is the answer but even if it were, the tools are already in your hands. Blizzard is not going to pay someone to full-time moderate a community and it’s completely ridiculous and obviously trolling to suggest such a thing.

Go away.


Know what’s great about moderating your own community? You can remove those unpleasant people.


How about you stop using lgbtq for your trolling op



I disagree. Having a Blizzard moderated channel would be a great thing for the community! Especially for all communities who wish to participate.

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Yeah, I don’t actually think that’s true. You’re the one bringing it up lol.

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Yeah, sounds like someone wasn’t given enough attention to as a kid.


So go make your own and moderate it.


Imagine having a business in todays world. It’s either bend the knee or have your knee broken. Crazy. Unrelated to topic, just an general observation.


I really do not think this belongs in a game . we do not celebrate Heterosexual love in game so why do you feel the need to be special and celebrate Gay love.

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stop making the community look weak…


They’re not even monitored for the rest of us.

You’re just gana have to join us in the mud pit.

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Segregation and safe spaces are the polar opposite of inclusiveness and acceptance.

Bad idea

Either we learn to get along together as a community or we fall apart

Respect and acceptance is a two way street.

Put positivity and respect out into the universe and it comes back to you.


I’m sorry, but I have to laugh at the implication that Blizzard moderators would be perfect and/or dedicated.

Also the unintended confession of being a troll is priceless.


Blizz is not going to moderate representation communities, it is not their job and it will cause all sorts of migraines for them.

Go make a guild if you want your community.



“All of these spaces that are currently moderated by Blizzard are full of trolls! What we really need is a space that’s moderated by Blizzard!”



Speaking of. Can one not right click and report in community chat?

No clue, I’ve never used communities nor heard of anyone who has. Seems like a dud feature from the very start when Discord is a thing.

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There already is this feature in game called “communities” you can create, link guilds, whatever you want in your community.

Call it what you want, invite who you want, remove who you want. Ball is in your court.

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I have to agree with others on here you are doing more harm then good. There is only one community, the human community, we all have to find a way to live in it.

You are not the only one either. Off the back of the sexual revolution was the trans and then the woke movements. The idea of freedom and equal rights is being destroyed in the name of equality. So sad.

I read a article today, thought it was a joke at first. Was about actors with hair playing a bald character is wrong and unjust to those without hair. Really? I get the white washing argument to a point but it’s getting out of hand ladies and gentlemen. This really all started with the constant spamming of representation of whatever really. But it does seem to go back to shortly after the sexual revolution, or gray rights/ gay marriage movement.

It’s like people ran out of things to fight for so let’s make up stuff!


Wait are you serious? Are you sure it wasn’t an early April Fool’s joke?

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