LGBT+ covenant in a future patch plese

Is grammar not a thing anymore?


The GD forum troll theme for about the last week now has been using minorities to create massive bait threads. It sucks but it is what it is. And the mods usually don’t ban them because they make sure to seem sincere.

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I thought the Alliance was that covenant?


wow I forgot the r in your bfd and a period at the end .

Still doesn’t answer the question of could this have been added as part of one of the other threads.

Okay this one was pretty funny ngl


Kudos, you found half of your grammatical errors.


Oh darn the grammar :police_car: is here .

So now that we have that cleared up , do you have anything that actually has to do with the topic of the thread?

:sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:


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You know I think back to a time when I was in a little social group in WoW and when the leader found out I was gay, he said to me “I don’t raid with ***s.” And I can’t help but think, maybe if there were fewer people shoving it down everyone’s throat, like you, he might not’ve had a negative reaction to me. Gays account for less than 2% of the population of humanity. (There is misinformation on the net about it being more like anywhere from 3-10%, it’s all hockey). I don’t need a video game to make me feel special, I just freakin’ play. Stop making us look annoying!


what the actual f…


That’s just it man. I have gay friends, lesbian friends, and a friend who is going trans. NONE of them make an issue about it. None of them! I’ve never had an issue with anyone’s orientation, but I do have an issue with any group, or individual who keeps expecting everyone to cater to them. That’s completely different. I’m sorry to hear you dealt with that, as it should never happen, and these topics shouldn’t be either.

It’s ridiculous to keep this narrative going because no one likes things forced upon them. It always results in resistance. Take care friend.


No remove all LGBT+ from the game, Its an earth organization, not Azeroth.

and if you want a LGBT+ covenant , then they should add a Jewish one and a Christian , Islam , Hindi, Buddhism since there are billions more of them than gays …


It doesn’t matter if you have friends you dont struggle with representation personally.

It’s not a discord server, but it is a matter of it being 2021. People these days look for any reason they can to virtue signal their wokeness, and no matter what Blizzard does it will not be enough. Add an and entire expansion dedicated specifically to LGBT, and they will want more Asain representation… It literally never ends.


Go Night Fae and use the Faerie transmog… all good!

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Oh god, cant they actually moderate all these endless fake LGBT posts. These obvious trolls need a permanent ban from the forums…


This is one troll on a bunch of sock accounts, not even someone lgbt.

They’re just trying to foment discord on the forums, and make it more toxic for actual lgbt people.

Don’t fall for it.

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No. It seems they are restoring them if they get hidden, so it’s quite the opposite. Get your mute button ready is my advice. Eventually they will get bored.

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Everyday we have to have these stupid ridiculous topics? Seek counseling…

Can I spam some random stuff in these troll threads? Will you guys report me for it?

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