LGBT+ Character discord

I see a lot of themed rp discords popping up so I made one specifically for LGBT+ Characters! You don’t need to be part of the community in real life to join, just have lgbt ocs!

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Why? I dont really see a point to having a “this group only” discord. For anything other then server / faction discords, and even then they have others from other servers and factions.

having an LGBT group is a bit pointless. just self segregation. and forming your own bubble. I for one am only in 2 WoW servers on discord since thats all one really needs. (one for rp community, and one for NSFW stuffz, lol)

This opinion is coming from someone who is LGBT IRL.


I don’t think the OP is suggesting their members isolate themselves from all other groups or conversations.


I’ll be honest, as a B and a T, I’m a little apprehensive of a group for LGBT characters. There are people out there who RP LGBT in a manner that comes off as ignorant or insensitive (or even downright malicious) - is that something that would get called out if it comes up? Is it even on the radar?

I’d much rather be a part of a group for LGBT RPers than a group for LGBT characters. Something about it just seems off to me.


Some people would consider their real life sexual orientation private information that they’d rather not share with strangers over the internet. That’s not necessarily a popular view, but it’s not invalid either. Friendly reminder that some people cannot ‘safely’ come out, and maintaining plausible deniability may be keeping them safe.

Seems to me that the server is just for people who enjoy RPing with LGBT+ themes to help them find like-minded individuals! Nothin’ wrong with that. I would assume that any behaviors that made a significant portion of LGBT+ people uncomfortable being there would be dealt with by the server moderators.

Edit: Looking at the server rules, this does seem to be the case.


I understand that, and I’m not saying, by any means, that anyone should feel obligated to come out OOC. I apologize if it came off that way. There are, however, some people who fetishize LGBT lifestyles, to put it as kindly as possible, and that’s what I’m wary of.

I am actually bi and trans myself. I made this server with the intent not to exclude anyone and actually celebrate LGBT representation in the roleplaying community. I thought asking the personal identity of every single member would be inappropriate, invasive, and just time consuming even. I once ran a discord for LGBT only people and very quickly people started harassing other members on how they weren’t really part of the community so that is also a reason why I did not repeat that rule with this server.

The most I added was pronoun roles if members feel they needed it to be IDed correctly and are only added if they ask. I might add irl LGBT identity roles in the future if I feel the need but at the moment, there is none.

The server was also largely inspired by a June/Pridemonth event a popular wow artist who coined the term by the same name, Pridecraft, to celebrate LGBT ocs in our community. They also don’t want to claim any rights to the name, hence why I made a server for it.


Good to know! I apologize if I came off as hostile or rude, and again, I was in no way trying to imply that anyone should feel it necessary to out themselves.

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