LG Mobile division shutting down

No it’s not an april fool’s joke it’s been in the talks for weeks

What a darn shame, especially since I used to own a LG v40 like 3 years ago, the quad DAC they built in the V series was worth it to listen stuff on a headphone jack

But the Android updates were horrible on LG

The last LG phone I had was a Chocolate

It was pretty cool back then.

Never had a phone, our washer and dryer has been kick butt though.

I think I remembered reading chinese phone makers stole a ton of Android marketshare which ended up killing most of the other manufacturers that aren’t Samsung or Google, is that correct?

On one hand, competing in the android phone space is hard, but on the other so many companies fail to get the basics right so it’s no wonder they go under.

I have a LG TV, it’s this one if I’m correct


It’s pretty sweet, their “TV OS” is webOS and it’s not like Roku or Android TV, but it has the apps I need like Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and luckily Twitch

My front loading washer and dryer are LG. 4 years now and so far they still work fine…

As someone who was a training manager for that big Magenta cellphone company for 7 years I’ll say this. LG made good products but had poor execution. Normally we saw sound quality issues and slow updates to Android if ever on their products. It’s ironic really because they had the most active reps next to Samsung and they made great Bluetooth headphones as well.

The Android market place is flooded though. People either look for quality or affordability in it. LG tried to do both and it Judy cost them in the end. But as everyone has pointed out, they’ll be fine with their home electronics and appliances division.

Another thing that may have contributed to LG’s troubles in smartphones is support.

One of the people I follow on twitter had one of LG’s UltraFine 5k Thunderbolt monitors. The monitor started exhibiting a common problem with that model (plastic case turning brittle and cracking due to heat) and even though it was still under warranty, getting through to support and convincing them to do something about it was like pulling teeth. Apparently on multiple support calls the rep directed him to take his monitor into places that service LG refrigerators, which of course can’t do anything with a monitor. Even after he finally managed to get the RMA process started and sent his monitor in, it sat in their warehouse for weeks before they did anything with it.

Keep in mind that these monitors aren’t cheap — they’re tools suitable for color-accurate production work and retail for $1300-$1500. If LG can’t manage good service for customers buying those I have a hard time imagining their service for customers buying smartphones with microscopic profit margins would be any better.

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Yea I remember having an issue with my G4 phone and it was shrugged off as user error till alot more ppl had the same issue and even then they ignored it. Finally after so long they admitted the issue and would replace the phone but also depended on how long you had it for.

I do have an LG ultra wide monitor that still works but for appliances I would stay away from them unless the warranty makes it worth the risk.

Yeah LG stuff can be ok, although I prefer Panasonic TVs (yes I am aware they use the same panel, but I like the Panasonic operating system better, and their tech with the panel combined looks better).

Their washing machines are pretty good, I’d rate them over some European makes like Bosch. One of the first to use direct drive too. I went Miele because where I worked at the time I got a fat discount and the tested for 25 years use hooked me. Although it does look like something out of the Soviet era.

Their phones were amazing back in the day, I used to love selling them.

LG are a good company, and they will continue to do well. Just… be careful of the recommendations. They put huge margins on things so the sales guy will be making absolute gold on his commission and will promote it above everything. I watched an entire sales team pitch and switch people to their TVs because of the 50% margin, even after sale price.