LFR Timegating needs to end

Given that the newest quest is now locked behind completing the entire raid, can the limitation/restriction/timegating inflicted upon LFR be finally lifted?

When LFR was first instituted back in Cataclysm, for the final raid Dragonsoul, it came out in its entirety day 1. Now, due to a certain boss scenario/mechanic (spine of deathwing), LFR was almost immediately sourly hated. This hatred permeated so much that when the first raid launched for Mists of Pandaria LFR was hobbled to become what it is today. Where it is Limited/Restricted/Timegated.

Can this decade old standard of limiting/restricting/timegating LFR finally be lifted? Especially if you’re going to restrict/limit questlines to completion of the raid. This isn’t going to make more people do Normal/Heroic/Mythic level raiding. It’s just going to sour more players experiences.

The restriction of LFR is arbitrary, and outright kind of stupid. It’s time for this restriction/limitation/timegate to end. Why is this the only difficulty of the raid that is timegated to the extreme? Especially since it’s now existed for over a decade. It’s not new. It’s old. It’s time to end prejudices that exist from its inception.

Can you imagine if they attempted to restrict/limit/timegate Normal/Heroic/mythic in the same fashion they’re currently doing with LFR? Oop, you better wait 2 weeks for the next wing to “Unlock”. Sorry charlies.


It would also support the set acuiqsition rate to have all LFR Wings going live week 1. Esp. for ppl that might have skipped S1 and are in need for a set. This is would be a huge win.

Lifting the heroic / mythic week difference was one of the best changes made to the game in the recent past. I don’t get it why this shouldn’t be a thing for LFR. I can only imagine it’s to keep “story only” folks longer on the hook.


I think a small degree of timegating for LFR wings is okay. I think it’s good to have a little bit of exclusivity around the raid for a little bit of time for those who put together coordinated groups or raid in a guild, that should be an incentivised behaviour to see content first in an MMORPG.

They’ve also made mention of having it staggered to simulate progression through Normal/Heroic. This made some sense back in MoP when ‘Normal’ used to be the equivalent of today’s Heroic but today feels out of place.

I would like to see LFR Wing 1 be launched Week 1, like it was for this raid and future wings be released per week, rather than every two weeks as it has been for a while now.


I see your point. However, I think that the exclusivity of the raid already exists in the modes it currently has(and the differences therein) and the differences within the gear that is dropped.

LFR brings more players to the raid than any of the other modes. Far more players will experience the raid in LFR than any of the other modes. Yet, we get the short end of the stick.

If a player can experience the entire raid on Normal, Heroic, or Mythic in Week 1. A player that does the same raid, but in LFR, should be allowed the same opportunity.

Restricting/limited/timegating an experience for others is not a good thing. It causes more strife than its worth. This also isn’t a new topic. It comes about every time a new raid is launched. It’s the same cycle. It’s happened every time since the first release of this timegated model back in Mists of Pandaria.

It is time to stop limiting/restricting/timegating this experience for players. Let us all experience the same experience together, rather than being timegated and therefore getting untold amounts of spoilers from the raids storyline because we simply cannot experience it until months later.


I’m of the opinion that once a wing is beaten on Mythic by anybody, it should unlock the next reset for LFR.

Keeps mythic raiders ahead on loot, story and prestige but doesn’t leave us LFR players waiting a month just to get our first chance at wiping.


I fully agree. I started to really raid in Shadowlands and I’d love to see lfr given more respect. It’s how I and many others raid.


I also don’t see the need to punish people who are playing LFR by time gating it for so long. After the RWF is over, sure, lag it a week or two, but why drag it out like this? I honestly am interested in what the reasoning is for it. If it’s for the sake of the story, everyone has access to LFR, normal/heroic/mythic people can run it as well if it’s just about the storyline. But to drag it by a month or more just feels like. . . … contempt.


I wish we could finally get an answer from the Developers as to why this restriction/limitation/timegating exists SOLELY for LFR. Since I haven’t seen any indication that this ship may be righting itself in this regard.

Can we get an answer as to if the team is looking at finally REMOVING this restriction/limitation/timegate or provide us with the factual reasoning behind why this restriction/limitation/timegate exists for LFR?