LFR story time: A hunter (not me) pulled the entire boss room of trash and wiped the raid. It took forever to reset. The tank was like “dude! why did you do that?” and the hunter said “You’re a tank not a puller!” so the raid kicked him. After he left a healer said " I swear if I see one more tank pull I am going to rage quit!" The end.
One time, I was really bored we were on Raz and everyone was like “agk bathroom break” do I decided to pull the boss. We had bathroom breaks after every wipe so I decided to keep doing it sometimes. I also movked the group with the bathroom breaks by saying: “afk need to poop really bad”
I loved LFR because of the absurd and chaotic environment. Every run was different.
So back in Antorus raid, on Argus, P2 I think. Suddenly the tank /yells “IT’S TIME TO DO LAPS, BOYS!” and starts racing along the outside of the boss platform with Argus in hot pursuit.
The casters are out of range, the melee can’t keep up, people are getting hit by the rain, I was laughing so hard I almost died. Somehow we didn’t even wipe.
I always expect the worst… zone in and everyone is running around crazy while wild mobs are going un-tanked, eating clothies scrambling for the exit. Bad pulls gone wrong as they don’t reset with people rezzing and throwing themselves towards certain death.
But it’s been pleasant recently. Couple times I had a very nice person explain the fight for everyone (myself included) and we cleared next pull or two.
Ran the newest wing on Tuesday and I think we one shot everything. Guessing most of the raid members had ran those bosses already that day on norm/hero. Even got a nice shield for loot.
has thought
OH CRAP! sifts through screenshots
Found it!
I didn’t have time stamps on it sadly, but the situation was the other tank didn’t respond for multiple minutes when I whispered him. Then I noticed he was outside the instance. Only when after the raid had been staring at the boss doing nothing for that few minutes did I say something like: “the other tank isn’t in the instance and seems to be afk” did he wake up and respond.
I had to troll him a little so the last couple lines were after the boss died.
Ran the 3 bosses last night. Raid was fairly easy. I was more concerned about the 24 people running around dropping pools on me or running the pursuing stuff right over me.
I just consider the 24 as npc’s and boss mechanics to watch out for and avoid.
During WoD the third last bosses spawned adds that had to be killed. After the wipe a Hunter was shooting its mouth off, so I looked at Recount to see what that Hunter had been targeting during the fight, and it showed the adds had been ignored.
When I called them out, the excuse they made was that the Barrage talent hadn’t been selected, as though that was the only way they could’ve hit those adds.
Every. Time. I run lfr Vault of the Incarnates, there is always at least 1 person who gets targeted by a soak, runs as far away from the group as possible, and dies.
Last night I had the opposite problem. I ran to help soak the meteor and died over and over again. No one would soak the meteor with me. Maybe its just an LFR law that you must soak alone.