I saw a Wowhead article on how to obtain a secret mount, and after I read it and got the mount I realized the thrill of discovering it for myself was ruined! Remove Wowhead!
That’s about the same quality argument as the OP.
I saw a Wowhead article on how to obtain a secret mount, and after I read it and got the mount I realized the thrill of discovering it for myself was ruined! Remove Wowhead!
That’s about the same quality argument as the OP.
Lfr is the only reason blizz can justify spending resources to make raids.
When less than 1 percent of the entire wow population runs raids, they can’t justify making them. That’s why lfr exists and will continue to exist.
Yeah honestly i haven’t raided since LFR was introduced… seems impossible to find raiding guilds etc
Thumbs down. This is a seriously bizarre post, and I just can’t wrap my head around what people complain about these days. Everything, I guess.
More like detain there subs.
Well to be fair, people definitely say those things now.
Yeah, it’s a shame you had that gun against your head forcing you to do LFR.
Make it make sense.
I embrace LFR doing the raids within my own time frame is win in my book! oh and no gatekeeping is a huge plus as well.
How did LFR ruin that, you would have to kill him on normal before anyways lol.
Or you could do something radical, like don’t do LFR? I mean call me crazy…
But you never actually killed Sire Denathrius in heroic.
In other news when I do an LFR I feel like I’ve done the raid and have zero interest in doing normal on up. In the back of my mind I know I haven’t really done it, but in the front of my mind I don’t care.
Just ignore lfr it’s basically a 25 man heroic dungeon
Your first kill wasn’t on normal?
Thumbs down. If you’re that easily disappointed, skip LFR.
Honestly just because you did it on lfr doesn’t mean you didn’t clear it. You don’t have to do it on normal, heroic or even mythic to say you cleared it.
As much as people wanna trash talk lfr, its still a difficulty and if you cleared all of the bosses on lfr than you legitimately cleared the raid.
Why did you feel underwhelmed? Because you seen the fight before? Anyone who never watched or was in the Denathrius fight would die many times before they even knew how to fight the final boss.
Even doing Denathrius in LFR would not prepare one for a heroic fight, there are more mechanics.
To say something so silly that your LFR raiding ruins the higher tier raids. I have a sneaking suspicion that someone wiped many times in LFR…
Yep 100% once that is done not much to do but maybe get my ilvl up to a decent number which the coven armor system is doing for me so far then quit until a better patch comes out because this patch ain’t doing it for me at all.