Yeah,your buddy is top poster in here, his posts definitely show he’s unhinged.
Vendors with epic gear were in the game since BC.
Also pvp vendors
Way to jump to conclusions.
huh…didnt SAY I didnt check your profile son…stop deflecting
LOL… I did not ssay that they were the “only” source for purples, I said that they were the “primary” source. There have also been rare world drops since vanilla. This does not change the fact that raiders were the vast majority of players who were decked out in purples prior to LFR.
Look at the biggest complaints anti-LFR posters have. It’s all about the gear.
With me still?
Yeah…WE are telling you
WE does not mean EVERY detail applies to ME
learn some English, please.
not MY quote, son…
No…son…its not.
its a STATEMENT showing what I USE LFR FOR.
In NO way does that say that TODAY Im using LFR…
sorry for your confusion
it was pretty obvious when you kept pecking out a response a bit ago then stopping over and over that you were trying to play some semantics game here son
CONTEXT…learn some. And take a few English classes too.
You know the difference, Id hope.
I can speak for WE and not mean every detail applies to ME.
Keep trying…you’ll figure it out.
sorry son…youve only exposed your utter desperation.
ive been VERY consistent…YOU on the other hand have only shown us that you bash what you do…then do it anyway
millions, INCLUDING YOU, use LFR.
Nuff said.
uh huh…
Im not the hypocrite in here bashing something Im partaking of telling everyone else they should remove it.
How about LFR just does not reward gear anymore. Its for people to see the raid anyway not actually do anything.
no son…you rambled on, dug up quotes that themselves prove that you were wrong…tried to INSERT your own words into the words of others…all because you cant stop crying about LFR…that YOU YOURSELF are playing.
heh…Im not the one obsessing about people playing LFR and wanting it removed while playing it myself.
The obsession about what we do when we play this game is a bit disturbing, quite honestly.
its ALWAYs about the gear.
LFR harms no one and is beneficial to a huge % of players.
Blizzard knows it gets used a lot, including by the very jokers who claim to hate it because they somehow managed to get into ‘muh guild’.
No you can’t.
Just like I speak for myself, you speak for yourself ONLY.
This is non negotiable fact.
Millions do LFR? Where is your source? Link and quote from a credible source.
It is your quote. Nice try lying through your teeth.
Who are we? Again you speak ONLY for yourself. Not a single other person.
Everything that has been quoted are your words.
I think you’re the one who needs that child.
Also please do try and learn what word hypocrite means.
You’re rambling again. You’ve just put petty emotional statements about literally nothing.
You have been debunked,dismantled, you are fake news.
Absolutely NOTHING you said aholds value or evidence that LFR is good for the game.
If the gear was on par with heroic dungeons, I would not say a word.
But now as it stands, you have to do it, in order to up your ilvl to help your raid team.
Bring LFR gear ilvl down to heroic dungeon ilevel and not a single person would complain.
Edit: the children that complain muh purplezz would, but they are easily dismissed
I found over time that people who dislike LFR are people who play WoW for the social aspects of it. Making a group via communications, meeting new people, running to the instance, all part of what WoW was originally built on.
People who do like LFR are people who ‘‘usually’’ are shy or socially inept, or wouldn’t do raids anyway, so I’m okay with it being in the game, it’s not hurting anyone by existing.
Edit: As long as you’re not strongarmed into doing LFR to gain an edge in gear, it’s perfectly fine.