The most humorous part of this is what is being cried about in here is that LFR is what…random players gathered up by the system?
HOW does that affect YOU?
it doesnt.
So IF you didnt need ANY scheduling at all prior to LFR…you what…sent up smoke signals to a dozen players to come play?
if you used ANY group finder then you did exactly the same except WE are just running with RANDOM players instead of ones we had to find.
Nope. Me and my friend used Trade Chat. Man, I really feel bad for this generation of players in WoW. Never having experienced server community and socialization in an MMO…
So you DID have to have a schedule…or go gather up players yourself, just as Ive read you had to do then.
Meaning what your now whining about is that we can play with random players instead of having to go find them?
What ARE you complaining about…exactly?
During early Cata I was working 2 jobs and going to school. I managed to clear BoT, BWD, and TotFW all in pugs. I got 1 day off every 2 weeks and still managed to do it. You just have to start a group and go, really not that hard.
What? You could just post in trade chat and poof there was a group forming to go clear anything that was current content. Hell, people do it still for Normal-Mythic.
woohoo…and now we can sign up for a random group and POOF…there is a raid within 20 minutes.
So what is your complaint again…exactly?
your mad because…what…random players are playing together instead of having to go knocking to find them?
Thing is even if I explain it to you it’s a foreign concept. And something that is clear seeing that you’re stubborn is that you think that this new way is far better then what we had. Even though the sub count is clearly night and day from what was to what is.
Sorry…all I saw there was ‘wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah’.
Not one single thing to do with what I said.
My using the raid finder for random players in NO way affects YOUR ability to play YOUR game…and it certainly doesnt conflict with YOU manually finding players to play with.