Ghostcrawler left in late 2013, five years ago, during Mists of Pandaria. The beloved tweet is some 2+ years old, and he said he hasn’t played in years—probably since he left the game 5 years and some days ago. I’d be taking his personal opinions with a grain if salt. Neither Cataclysm nor early MoP were very good. Something something kill 12 mogu.
The truth is that LFR really harms no one. Those who don’t enjoy it don’t need to run it. If someone like a guild is trying to force you to run it, it might be worth reevaluating if their guild is the right place for you.
It’s a hard pill to swallow but the whole accountability social thing died long before the first poorly thought out version of LFR went live. Dungeon finder and cross-realm grouping for things like battlegrounds are also a thing. There may be ways to bring some of that back on a community by community basis but removing LFR won’t bring that about or solve those problems. This would require members of the server gathering in places where callouts are permitted. Somehow I don’t think some of the folks who hate LFR would be fans of a callout culture.
RP servers have such a culture and we run people off our servers for things that folks on other servers would consider “sjw.”
Removal of LFR isn’t going to make substantially more raiders. When it comes to gearing, people will always follow the path of least resistance. Some people for whatever reason don’t like raiding. If high end raiders want more raiders they’re going to have to do what we did back in the Molten Core era: Groom and gear new raiders. Create healthy environments people actually enjoy spending time in.
In BC and Wrath I ran raids 7 days a week, sometimes twice a day (raiding with my guild, leading pugs, or raiding with a group of Aussies at zero dark thirty). Often times I led. 10 mans, 25 mans. I provided all consumables. I taught and groomed raiders. Mechanics, attitudes, and raid habits like using consumables, killing the adds, and getting out of the bad stuff on the ground. Then I ran pugs that welcomed anyone, like alts from other raid guilds or people in small friends and family guilds who could never get a raid.
People don’t do that stuff as much anymore. Instead they grab addon of the expansion and exclude instead of teach.
You must foster the kind of community you wish to see. If you want more raiders? You grow them.
You wonder why your servers have no community anymore.
I'll tell you a little secret.
The problem exists between the keyboard and the chair.