LFR Fyrakk Bug

If you pull Fyrakk before everybody is on the platform, those outside cannot get in.

When/if you die you get the achieve for dying to him, and when/if the group kills him you you get the achieve, but no ability to roll on loot.

After this the game thinks you have completed the fight, and saves you to a lockout.

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Do not think that is a bug. Just you are not in range and did not hit the boss so you do not qualify for loot from him

People suck when they pull to soon

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If its not a bug, it shouldn’t save you to the fight.

If you don’t or cant hit the boss in every other case, you do not get saved or loot locked for not hitting them.

Perhaps a range thing, still stupid.

Imagine people afk in that lfr this could be to keep them from loot

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They already solved that problem before; you don’t hit the boss you don’t get loot; but you also don’t get locked.

I’d be fine with running it again, if I wasn’t loot locked. Therein is the problem.

As far as AFK people in LFR: no matter how Blizz implements something, people are lazy and will find ways around it.

I just had this happen to me today, I even said ‘not ready’ but they started anyway, kicked another guy who was afk though, I should have just left, putting in a ticket didn’t do anything unfortunately. Hopefully I didn’t miss much loot-wise.

Lame :frowning:

At least its just LFR loot, replaced by M0 stuff pretty much.