LFM for Remix!

Hey all, K L E P T O C R A C Y - Stormrage is looking for exceptional, dedicated, and reliable players to join us for MoP: Remix!

Established earlier last year, K L E P T O C R A C Y seeks to encourage players to better themselves and the players around them without any of the toxicity that an “elitist” environment tends to create. If you feel like our group is something you’d like to check out, hit us up, we look forward to talking to you all!

:shield: Raid Details: :shield:


:clock3:Pending Raid times: Saturday/Sunday: 6 pm - 7 pm EST

:mag_right:Currently Looking for the following:

:small_orange_diamond: Tanks: (High Priority)
:small_orange_diamond: Healers: (Medium Priority)
:small_orange_diamond: DPS: (Medium Priority)


:small_orange_diamond: Our ultimate goal is to down mythic Siege of Orgrimmar.

:flags: Battle Tag Information: :flags:

:small_orange_diamond: Guild Master/Raid Lead: Goose#1913

need an inv to guild in MoP Remix. Toon is Ahkiza-Stormrage. the /who comand doesnt find the guild…