Hey everyone, we’re looking for more members, we’re going to go Alliance on a PvP server, obviously Oceanic servers if we get them. The ultimate goal is 40 man raids and PvP so class balance matters but we are not going to tell anyone what they have to play.
With our raiding we’re not going to be some hardcore guild aiming for server firsts or raiding every night, probably 2-3 nights a week and these nights and times will be decided upon what is best for the majority. People have jobs, families, social lives etc so we aren’t about to crack it if someone cant make every raid. Raid loot will probably end up DKP, it seems to be the fairest option. Other options can of course be looked at.
PvP is also something that a fair few of us enjoy and have had some success at in Vanilla and various expansions. So we will be looking at doing regular premade groups.
Regarding Officer/ Recruitment positions etc within the guild these are all up for grabs, be helpful and help promote the guild and you’ll be one.
As for the Guild name this will be voted on in the coming weeks.
Come check us out on discord if you’re keen or add me on battlenet eds#1563
http s://discord.gg/uEMtvEt