LFM AUS/NZ: Ministry of Death [OCEANIC] [H] [PVP]

Ministry of Death [OCEANIC] [HORDE] [PVP]

We are a New Zealand & Australian based guild, we are being reborn once again for classic. This time round we’re looking at a semi-hardcore approach, we will be pushing to clear content as quickly as possible. While our goal in classic is to clear all raid content in an efficient manner while maintaining a relaxed & Fun atmosphere.

:small_orange_diamond: Website: ministryofdeath .net
:small_orange_diamond: Discord: discord .gg/QgdwQTE

:small_blue_diamond: Realm : Oceanic (realm TBD)
:small_blue_diamond: Realm Type: PVP
:small_blue_diamond: Faction: HORDE
:small_blue_diamond: Region: NZ/AUS
:small_blue_diamond: Timezone: GMT+13(NZ) / GMT+11 (AUS)
:small_blue_diamond: Guild Type: Semi-hardcore
:small_blue_diamond: Raiding Times: TBD. But we are looking at running in between the NZ/AUS timezones. (fairness)
:small_blue_diamond: Loot Rules: EPGP (specifc items will be loot counciled)
i.e Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker: "Main Tank" first etc

We expect all of our members to be respectful of all guidies. We don’t expect everyone to know strats to every encounter, but if you don’t, we will expect that you show up with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, and put 100% effort into it.

Also we fully expect some people cannot raid as hardcore as they used to, and we have kept that in mind and will be allowing casual’s also to join, as long as “if” or “when” they become avaliable to raid they do so by giving their all.

:small_orange_diamond:MOD’s Code & ROE: ministryofdeath .net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3

See guild website if u’re after more information and/or to apply, or if you are inept at working out links you can add my bnet on KSIX#1974