Hey all, Just returning after a year long break and rolling a mage for Shadowlands! Former CE from Legion, no time to raid in BFA and now with covid this winter is going to be a high concentration of WoW…
Looking for a Tues/Thurs or Mon/Thurs guild that is looking to push CE! 
IGN: Frajaal
We don’t have mage listed but we could possibly use one. If you like what we offer hit us up on discord!
The Chuds is a newly formed guild on Mal’Ganis - Horde - NA that is Cutting Edge Mythic Raiding focused. This guild was formed on the basis of friends wanting to play with friends, own every tier, and chill out a bit when progression is finished. We are seeking more friends to help us build a stable roster for Shadowlands.
Our roster is fairly tight knit and consists of players with multiple tiers of Cutting Edge experience as well as US Top 50 - 150 experience in BFA and previous expansions. We understand the commitment it takes to achieve our goals of getting CE fairly quickly and not wasting our time. We also understand that if everyone is having fun, everyone will play better and want to show up to play. Excessively toxic attitudes will have a zero tolerance policy, no matter how good a player is. We aim to have a competitive but very positive raiding atmosphere.
Progression Schedule
Tuesday - Thursday 8:00PM - 11:00PM CST - 9 Hr Week
Farm Schedule
Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00PM - 11PM CST - 6 Hr Week
We raid on a fairly light schedule and cut back after progression, so commitment to these raid times is absolutely mandatory. We do understand that real life happens sometimes.
Recruiting Needs:
Shadow Priest
Balance Druid
Any exceptional player
Recruitment Contact:
Joschmo GM/RL - Bnet:Joschmo#1659 or Discord:Joschmo#6420
Dipthiry Officer - Bnet: Dip#11700 or Dip#6249
Hey! We are a CE guild recently transferred to horde from Sargeras Alliance. We were US 300 in M Uldir and we are looking to add a Mage to our M roster to push CE in SL! We raid T/Th 8pm-12am CST (server time) with option raid on Sundays. If you are interested send me a dm on discord and I would love to give you more info!
Discord - Vitalian#4229
Hey Eyesolate, I dig the name. So, I’ve downplayed our skill here, but some of us made some serious cheddar playing WoW back in the day. We are a very capable (I am the resident crayon eater, admittedly) crew of IRL friends looking to branch out into open recruitment. We don’t have a mage yet in our raiding roster and are actively seeking one out. For instance, my Rogue here, I’ve tanked or healed every Xpac (excluding Cata which I didn’t play) all the way back to vanilla. I deserve an Xpac as melee DPS 
Enjoy you some mage. Pew Pew.
Check us out