Character: Talrissan-Paladin
I have an extensive history as Prot in M+. Back in BFA, I raided as Ret and took Holy as OS based on guild need. I am interested in trialing for a healing spot, but can certainly swing Prot/Ret/Holy based on guild needs. Character information below-
ilvl +215 on all specs
R4 Leggos- Relentless Inquisitor (all roles), Sigil (Prot)
R3 Leggo- Holy Shock Barrier (Holy) -will be rank 4 next Tuesday
Raid times available/preferred (server time)
Th, Fri, Sun, Mon- 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Sat and Sun- 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Tue and Wed are a no go
BNET- Tal#11579
Discord- Tal#3863
We dont align 100% in times since we raid 9-12 Server but we would LOVEEEEEE a pala healer as we dont currently have one. Also would love ret as they are super strong and deff fun on sunking! all my info is in that and if you wanted to trail out tonight let me know
biggest issue i see is we are a AOTC guild and not wanting too much to push mythic content. Let me know! discord is in the link! but its Lukova#2626
Hey! We’re looking to fill out some dps in our roster! See below for details:
Pun Intentions is a newly formed guild. We raid heroic Castle Nathria and are moving into Mythic as well once we fill out the rest of our roster. Right now we have a core of solid players who spam M+ daily as well.
Raid times: Tuesday/Wednesday 730-10pm EST
Mythic+: Daily
Current needs:
Ranged/melee DPS
Pun Intentions is a mostly chill group of people. We’re laid back but like progress and challenges, so while we like to have fun, we also do what it takes to clear progression content.
If interested, feel free to contact my via discord or battlenet tag:
Azohar_#8895 (Discord)
Azohar#1640 (Battletag)