[LFG][H][US][Mal’Ganis] Tank looking for new Mythic home

Date Posted: 09/20/2020

Class/Spec: All tank class specs. Pererfed DH/Monk/DK in that order.

Faction: HORDE

Cleared: All vanilla/BC/WotLK/MoP/WoD/Legion content(Heroic or Mythic depending). Uldir Mythic US 266. Been on break since.

Btag: Buju3000#1186

Logs: No real logs to speak of due to taking a break.

Availability: Evening post 8pm EST and most afternoons as well depending.


So guess this is where I give the bio about myself and all the time I have wasted in this game over the years. To start with I’m a vanilla WoW player and I came from EQ:OA(EverQuest Online Adventures) prior to that. For the most part I have tanked since the start and almost exclusively play in a tank role. Even in EQOA I tanked and only for a brief stint in MoP did I go DPS.

I started raiding in AQ with a guild called “Clan Pigs” and have pretty much raided with a few short breaks since that point.

I raided all of BC and finished all content before the prepatch going into WotLK. I joined a guild at the end of BC, Midnight, and I stuck it out with them until the end of Cataclysm until a lot of us lost interest with the 4.3 patch where I took a break until the start of MoP.

When I came back to the game in MoP I needed a fresh change and I started a monk and transferred all my characters to alliance for a change. At this point I met up with a new guild and started playing Windwalker. I played WW up until SoO when we lost a tank and I stepped back into the tank role once again.

In WoD I stuck it out with that guild and tanked for them for the entire expansion. This was a guild on Kel’Thuzad “Dysfunction”. I made a lot of good friends that I’m still in contact with from there, but most of them left and joined Raiding Rainbows on Illidan after again we lost too many and were forced to stop raiding and end of WoD.

Going into Legion I found my way to a new alliance guild on Bloodhoof “Dark Twilight” where I tanked and did a ton of M+ pushing with them in the entire expansion. We were a mythic raiding guild in the top 250 most of the time if not better. So getting the content done, but not on pace to set any world records.

Progressing forward, Dark Twilight went into BfA with the intent of raiding. We finished G’hunn 266 US as a very strained raid team after losing a number of people. At this point I was a new father and my raid team was having some problems getting people to show up. A lot of it had to do with the expansion as a whole not being amazing, but some people wanted more than we were currently able to do at the time and moved on. At this point I felt it was a good time to take my 2nd only break since playing. So I have sat out for the past 3 tiers.

In my whole wow career I have sat around the top 200 US mark with most of the guilds I have tanked for. That is around the place I like to be 100-200 US rank as a raid team. Means can still have fun and see all the content in time.

I love to M+ and had a super sweaty M+ group for most of the legion and the start of BfA. We had a few top 20s in the US a time or two and it is really the content I like a lot.

So about me now…

Well Im 36 at the time of writing this, a husband and a father. I’m a fairly easy going person, but I like to get stuff done at the end of the day. I’m around most days and can be on for raid nights without the fear of missing a raid night(I have maybe missed 5 raids in the entire time I have played this game). I know as a tank this can be important. My wife is a nurse who works nights so I’m around most evenings and for most of the afternoons. We are financially stable and I mostly stay at home with our daughter during the day.

I’m looking for a 2-3(preferably 2) night a week raiding guild where I can kill pixel dragons and meet new friends. I have all of the tanks leveled and will play what is necessary for the fight we are on. I try to keep up with 3 of them for the most part(Monk/DK/DH). I PREFER to play Veng DH but I know that doesnt always happen and I am happy to play Monk or DK but my preferred order would be DH/Monk/DK. Also with the nerfs to Veng on beta they are not looking great and I would assume I will be raiding Brewmaster.

As far as logs go, if necessary I could probably dig up some logs from Uldir but I don’t have any recent logs to speak of. I have brought all my characters back horde for a new beginning heading into Shadowlands and I’m very stoked about coming back to horde.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask. I’m around most days and can join a discord to chat if needed. Hope to hear from you soon!
