[LFG] [H] [US] [Area 52] 2 Veteran CE raiders (a Tank and Healer) LF an established 2-day AOTC guild

Hello! We are Peekochu (myself) and Nartana. We’re looking primarily for an established Heroic/AOTC guild for 9.2 and beyond.

I’m an experienced tank that’s raided with top 40-20 US guilds from Cataclysm-MoP. I took a break until BFA and have been too busy to commit to a regular schedule until now.

I play a Blood DK. See peekochu-area 52 on warcraft logs for performance info.

Nartana is a similarly experienced WoW player, having played a tank, ranged DPS and even leading a guild to CE during Legion.

He’s now committed to being a healer fulltime. Currently he mains a Holy Paladin, but is trying other healing classes as well.

See nartana-area 52 on warcraft logs for performance info.

We’re pretty laid back and mature. I’m a married PhD student and Nartana works in marketing analytics. We both run mythic plus casually but consider raiding to be the main reason that we play.

If we sound like a good fit for you, you can contact us with the info below. Thanks!

discord: peekochu#0128
battlenet: Peeko#1218

discord: nartana#3518
battlenet: Nartana#1454

bumpity bum,p

Hey there, if you guys are interested in raiding weekends I’d love to talk more